Leaving activities

My son loves the slides in play areas. Whenver its time to leave he will have a full on meltdown. What do other parents/carers do to reduce this?

  • Hi, 

    I used the '10 more go's' with my son when he was little as he had no concept of 5 more minutes. Counting down was a way to get him to do anything! eg Let's see if we can get you dressed in 30.. Tidy up in 20.. Worked a treat.

    You could always use visual countdowns on number cards if he responds better to visual prompts. 

    Good luck 

  • Hi, 

    I used the '10 more go's' with my son when he was little as he had no concept of 5 more minutes. Counting down was a way to get him to do anything! eg Let's see if we can get you dressed in 30.. Tidy up in 20.. Worked a treat.

    You could always use visual countdowns on number cards if he responds better to visual prompts. 

    Good luck 
