My 6 year old daughter eats so slow

Hi there 

So my daughter hasn't been medically diagnosed, but after I approached the school and drew their attention to what they were totally oblivious to, she was discussed at the County council SEAT meeting and based on my list of concerns, they were in agreeance that she is most likely high functioning autistic. I've done lots of research to see what I could do to help and have seen a marked improvement in her since starting her on a cocktail of vitamin D, Omega 3 and pro biotic supplements. The one area we seem not to be able to improve on however is her eating habits. When she was a very little and first venturing into eating family meals, she was a very fast eater. She barely chewed her food and it was gone! We had to try and slow this down after she was diagnosed with GURD following many months of her having vomiting episodes during the night, first thought to be CVS (Cyclic vomiting syndrome). Now she eats so slowly that it is the norm for her to take between an hour and 90 minutes to eat a meal and this is with constant reminders from me and her dad to eat, chew, stop daydreaming etc. I will confess that both of us are guilty of getting angry with her. With the best will in the world it's difficult not to get frustrated. We are very worried though that if we carry on this way she could form a negative association with food which doesn't bare thinking about. We just don't know what to do for the best. If left to her own devices, she could, I'm sure, sit at the table till bedtime with a cold meal in front of her, but because of the GURD we cannot allow this to happen. Does anyone have any experience with this, advice or tried and tested methods that could work.



  • It sounds like me as a child. I had no interest in food before reaching 8 or 9 years of age. I just wasn't very hungry, ever, and there were always more interesting things to do than to sit at a table eating. Apart from not reaching my full height potential - my father was 6ft and I'm 5ft 8in - the lack of interest in food had no deleterious effects on me. The only thing I can suggest, is trying to make food and the process of eating more interesting for your child. Arranging food into words, faces or by colour on the plate might have some effect.

  • It sounds like me as a child. I had no interest in food before reaching 8 or 9 years of age. I just wasn't very hungry, ever, and there were always more interesting things to do than to sit at a table eating. Apart from not reaching my full height potential - my father was 6ft and I'm 5ft 8in - the lack of interest in food had no deleterious effects on me. The only thing I can suggest, is trying to make food and the process of eating more interesting for your child. Arranging food into words, faces or by colour on the plate might have some effect.

  • Thanks Martin. Yes, making it more fun is probably a good suggestion also. I'm very big on making food nutritionally beneficial, but should probably try and inject an element of fun when I can. I do draw a silly face on her banana every day that she takes for her school snack Smile