stimming for life?

  Currently, my son is 9 years old. He stimms Quite a bit, in fact. I let him do it, of course. I wonder if the autistic person's stimming stops at some point or Continue all of his life?   

  • Repetitions can be echoed with all the senses, such as when around a thought, it can be classified as 'obsession'. Birds perform the same sound on repeat and this can be classified as 'expression'. Actors memorise and learn performance through repetition as do dancers with choreography, these are classified as 'rehearsing'. 

    Does he stim while listening to music? Is he interested in the exploration of sound? Music producers listen to the same thing on repeat while creating a track and this is classified as 'mixing', while instrumentalists play one part on repeat or play the same songs for a year or their whole lives, classified as 'discipline' and 'performance'. 

    Art and Science can facilitate Autistic expression. Research analysis is based on repetition to obtain knowledge. Both fields might be an industry of some interest. As a parent, you can help him explore several ways to use his natural process. All specialisation requires repetition and drive. 

  • Repetitions can be echoed with all the senses, such as when around a thought, it can be classified as 'obsession'. Birds perform the same sound on repeat and this can be classified as 'expression'. Actors memorise and learn performance through repetition as do dancers with choreography, these are classified as 'rehearsing'. 

    Does he stim while listening to music? Is he interested in the exploration of sound? Music producers listen to the same thing on repeat while creating a track and this is classified as 'mixing', while instrumentalists play one part on repeat or play the same songs for a year or their whole lives, classified as 'discipline' and 'performance'. 

    Art and Science can facilitate Autistic expression. Research analysis is based on repetition to obtain knowledge. Both fields might be an industry of some interest. As a parent, you can help him explore several ways to use his natural process. All specialisation requires repetition and drive. 

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