CBD Gummies

Hi, can I ask if anyone has tried CBD gummies for a highly anxious, ASC/ADHD child to help them cope at school? If so, do you think they helped and how many milligrams did you give them? My 12 year old daughter finds everything about school really stressful and missed many days last term due to this. She cannot focus even for 1 minute and despite many classroom breaks & a very good support team at school (unlike my older daughter, who has hardly any support & is now on Sertraline) she still cannot cope with the day. I have heard that 10mg of CBD gummies from Holland & Barrett can help but keen to hear anyone's thoughts (p.s.I know I can't give them to my daughter on Sertraline).

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  • Well, I would better advise you to try changing her routine and see if she will be more relaxed and less anxious. Later maybe, if there are no changes, you can try the CBD gummies. For example, when I had anxiety attacks, I used to smoke small quantities of marijuana. I bought some special water pipes [link removed by moderator] to make the process more pleasant. I keep everything under control, and I only smoke when I feel a bit anxious or stressed, and it helps me get my things together. I hope you will solve your problem!

  • Thanks. Unfortunately there is little I can do about her routine of having to attend school & it is everything about school that she doesn't like, not just one small part, so routine change is not an option really. Plus she has not found it possible to do schoolwork at home. She is not able to get access to a specialist provision either currently.