Taken son out of main stream school

Morning, we have had to take our son out of school, he is in yr 11 and only has a few weeks left but has deteriorated so much over the last few weeks, he just cant cope with the busyness of school topped with the pressures of finishing course work and revising,last tuesday was the final straw for him, he had 3 lessons in which either supply teachers came in, they moved rooms or visitirs where in the room and no one told him of the changes, he only lasted 10 minutes in his German exam onWednesday and had to be taken out he was nearing shut down again,

   so after a huge week of stress for him and more phone calls and emails than I can swing a cat at we have a home tutor sorted for the last few weeks and a young man happily getting on with coursework at home.Its taking quite a strong stand to keep him to a time table, he wants to start work at 6am and doesnt see the need for breaks, but we are getting there, and now his down time has structure he is settling nicely, 

  We had to go to get supplies yesterday and he volentarally got out of the car at the shop, came in and activly looked at the things in the shop, i could have cried i was so happy, what a difference. It just concreted the fact that we have done the right thing.

  a few questions if you dont mind. We have paid for him to go on the German exchange trip with school, he still thinks he can go, and the german teacher has been brilliant, we have an itinery that we can work with and he has met the lad he is staying with and his parents know Owen is very nervous, its at the end of April. The Head thinks we are wrong to take him out of school, and i am sure he will try and stp him going, some help with wording to the German depatment would be great im not sure how to put it that son would be ok to go, we know that he may not be up to it but dont want to burn the bridge until we are absolutely sure.

Also, are there any benefits or allowances that I could look into for him, im self employed but my capasity to work will come down over the next few months until he is at college.and he cant go into new/social situations with out supervision, 

have a great weekend x

  • Hi there,

    Are you claiming DLA (Disability Living Allowance)? This isn't means tested and my son (Aspergers Syndrome) qualifies.

    The application form is fairly horrific but there is some really good advice on this site to help you apply your son's difficulties against the criteria on the form. You will need to read and digest this advice prior to applying!

    Ref the Germany trip, why not get your school SENCO/SENDIS coordinator involved on this one. Even though he is not at the school any more there is still an obligation to support with educational needs - they could help you communicate with the school on how the trip could be made a success for all parties?

    Hope that helps - it sounds like you are doing brilliantly.

  • Hi there,

    Are you claiming DLA (Disability Living Allowance)? This isn't means tested and my son (Aspergers Syndrome) qualifies.

    The application form is fairly horrific but there is some really good advice on this site to help you apply your son's difficulties against the criteria on the form. You will need to read and digest this advice prior to applying!

    Ref the Germany trip, why not get your school SENCO/SENDIS coordinator involved on this one. Even though he is not at the school any more there is still an obligation to support with educational needs - they could help you communicate with the school on how the trip could be made a success for all parties?

    Hope that helps - it sounds like you are doing brilliantly.

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