weight loss


My son is 19 years old. He is approx 5 foot 10 and now weighs 8 stone.

He suffers from depression but mainly anxiety. He is awaiting an Autism assessment. He gets very agitated, angry verbally and physically.

His appetite has gradually gotten worse and worse. He does get where he feels hungry but just can't stomach anything. Food makes him feel nauseous , he has no appetite and doesn't 'want' to eat.

He hates his weight loss but just can't eat. He will nibble on things as and when and will occasionally eat 1 small meal a day. He can also go 24 hours without food.

The doctor keeps repeatedly saying that Tom needs to try Talking Therapy but the doctors don't seem to understand that Tom cannot bring himself to talk to someone about his problems. He finds it highly distressing and anxiety levels go through the roof at the thought of it. It makes him physically sick.

He is having Scandishakes as and when he can to try to get some calories in. Is there anything anyone else has tried ?

Tom is asking me to help him but i just don't know what else i can do. I have tried the doctors, i make high calorie snacks, make small portions of food for him, have made a 'snack box' up for him. . . . . . .

Are there any appetite enhancers that he could try ??

. . . . . . not sure how much longer his body can keep going like this ! or his mental health. He already says he doesn't want to live. .  .

Any support would be sooooo much appreciated.

Thank you

  • I think you're doing everything you can but I didn't want to just read and run. It must be so worrying for you ... my eldest daughter is a bit like this too - 5ft 10 and 8 stone. There are certain things she will eat so we go nuts for those, and lots of calorific drinks like Starbucks iced thingies. My middle daughter who has a diagnosis had a fear a year or two ago about choking. We gave her lots of soft foods and tried to make it a non issue. Eventually it passed thankfully. Sounds to me like you are doing a fab job.

  • I think you're doing everything you can but I didn't want to just read and run. It must be so worrying for you ... my eldest daughter is a bit like this too - 5ft 10 and 8 stone. There are certain things she will eat so we go nuts for those, and lots of calorific drinks like Starbucks iced thingies. My middle daughter who has a diagnosis had a fear a year or two ago about choking. We gave her lots of soft foods and tried to make it a non issue. Eventually it passed thankfully. Sounds to me like you are doing a fab job.

  • Have you checked him for diabetes? Maybe he is insulin resistant because he is losing weight and can't eat. My daughter had similar symptoms. We went to visageclinic.com for help, and they advised us to lose weight as there wasn't enough insulin, and we couldn't resist losing weight. But then she gained weight again. The main energy source becomes ketone bodies: acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-oxybutyric acid. These substances are formed in the liver from the body's fatty tissues and consumed fats. So you should reconsider your teenager's diet.

  • Hi , thanks for your reply.

    Sorry to hear about your daughters struggles.

    He does get hungry but then just doesn't want anything. He becomes sooo 'wound up' from the minute he thinks 'im hungry' or 'i should eat something' that by the time he reaches the kitchen he is already anxious, worked up and angry. Then he doesn't 'fancy' anything but knows he should eat so it just ends up negative, him feeling anxious and nauseous. A vicious circle !