Chewing non-food items

Hi all,

my 4 years old soon to be 5 daughter is ASD has sensory integration disorder, she likes to chew on non food items like play dough, glue stick, pen, plastics etc. She is non- verbal. 

We have tried massage her mouth using brush, vibrating brush etc but it’s not improving.

Any strategies will be much appreciated!



  • Hi Jenny, 

    My son is 5 years old and he has been diagnosed with ASD when he was 3 years old. He is in P1 now and I have been attending a seminar for parents who have children with ASD. The Additional Support for Learning Team has recommended few things. Of course every individual is different and your daughter might not like any of those but maybe you would like to consider trying some of them? 

    Items for mouth sensory support:

    Specialist Chewies (wrist, chewlery necklace)

    Chewy food

    Snacks with a variety of textures, tastes or temperatures

    Water bottle with ice or flavouring

    Blowing (instrument, balloons)

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jenny, 

    My son is 5 years old and he has been diagnosed with ASD when he was 3 years old. He is in P1 now and I have been attending a seminar for parents who have children with ASD. The Additional Support for Learning Team has recommended few things. Of course every individual is different and your daughter might not like any of those but maybe you would like to consider trying some of them? 

    Items for mouth sensory support:

    Specialist Chewies (wrist, chewlery necklace)

    Chewy food

    Snacks with a variety of textures, tastes or temperatures

    Water bottle with ice or flavouring

    Blowing (instrument, balloons)

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you,


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