Hello. Just wondering if anyone has a child diagnosed with PDA and your experiences, treatment etc.

  •  Hello, 

    My eldest son was 7 when diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder with a profile of pathological demand avoidance. That was 3 years ago.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. 


  • hello hope you are well Lau.

    Our son is 5 and is in middle of assessments for ASD and specifically PDA - he presents with extreme demand avoidance, and can dysregulate when doesn't get own way.
    i think my question is quite simple at this stage - I was wondering if you think it's possible for kids with these challenges (you mention your son who was 7 3 years ago) to improve with age and find ways to cope with their feelings, emotions and difference over time, as they develop?

    thank you

  • hello hope you are well Lau.

    Our son is 5 and is in middle of assessments for ASD and specifically PDA - he presents with extreme demand avoidance, and can dysregulate when doesn't get own way.
    i think my question is quite simple at this stage - I was wondering if you think it's possible for kids with these challenges (you mention your son who was 7 3 years ago) to improve with age and find ways to cope with their feelings, emotions and difference over time, as they develop?

    thank you

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