Anxiety over fire alarms!

Hey, I'm a university student and i am currently living in halls of residance at uni. I feel like I made a mistake because I realised that there are fire alarms in each room and I know its there to keep people safe, but whenever I'm in my room, I always have the fear that it will go off. I'm not scared of the loud noise but the sudden unexpected jump scare when it comes, and it creates this uncomfortable feeling.

At the moment, I'm at home but living at uni means I can focus well on my studies and improving myself. I'm waiting for support but does anyone have any tips?

Thank you so much x

  • i do understand the anticipation  --- i create these triggers as well.

    uni isn't just about learning it also about learning to cope yourself. So this is your new learning experience a challenge put to u by Nature/Logos/the Gods/the universe. The challenge to not let a Feckin fire alarm stop u doing what u love doing.

    DO NOT DO A SMOKE TEST in the halls of residence the entire hall could be evacuated  and then u could be billed for the hastle and fire engine attendance or simply expelled from uni.   I have experienced this and the book was thrown at the student ( who was smoking )  because other students were injured in the panic to get out ( 14 floors tower )

    so find out from the hall controller/manager what happens if it goes off. ask if it is a mains or battery smoke alarm.  Ask if u can have yours turned off or swapped for a visional one ( no noise but flashes ) . be upfront as to why you are asking these questions ( scared of  the potential of it going off )

    buy a battery  smoke alram online ( 5 quid ) and set it off at home under a pillow and wearing headphones / earplugs at first by using the test button then make a cup of tea or anything relaxing immediately afterwards.

    make sure your windows are closed so as to not attract/disturb/trigger neighbour,s

    while is is going off listen very carefully to the sound,,, investigate the sound,, does it go up and down or wobble ? which part of your body is tensing up ?

    repeat above about 3 times over a week.

    then without pillow

    then without head phone


    for free listen to the sounds here  ( low vol ..>>>> .... high vol with headphones on )

    search online for more to get a good range of annoying sounds 

    please bear in mind smoke alarms where designed to be very annoying so they get u out of the building. 

  • i do understand the anticipation  --- i create these triggers as well.

    uni isn't just about learning it also about learning to cope yourself. So this is your new learning experience a challenge put to u by Nature/Logos/the Gods/the universe. The challenge to not let a Feckin fire alarm stop u doing what u love doing.

    DO NOT DO A SMOKE TEST in the halls of residence the entire hall could be evacuated  and then u could be billed for the hastle and fire engine attendance or simply expelled from uni.   I have experienced this and the book was thrown at the student ( who was smoking )  because other students were injured in the panic to get out ( 14 floors tower )

    so find out from the hall controller/manager what happens if it goes off. ask if it is a mains or battery smoke alarm.  Ask if u can have yours turned off or swapped for a visional one ( no noise but flashes ) . be upfront as to why you are asking these questions ( scared of  the potential of it going off )

    buy a battery  smoke alram online ( 5 quid ) and set it off at home under a pillow and wearing headphones / earplugs at first by using the test button then make a cup of tea or anything relaxing immediately afterwards.

    make sure your windows are closed so as to not attract/disturb/trigger neighbour,s

    while is is going off listen very carefully to the sound,,, investigate the sound,, does it go up and down or wobble ? which part of your body is tensing up ?

    repeat above about 3 times over a week.

    then without pillow

    then without head phone


    for free listen to the sounds here  ( low vol ..>>>> .... high vol with headphones on )

    search online for more to get a good range of annoying sounds 

    please bear in mind smoke alarms where designed to be very annoying so they get u out of the building. 
