How to support my teenage son with Aspergers

Hello! I’m really looking for some guidance and wisdom. My son is 14 and is in the process of being assessed for ASD. He has always struggled socially and has become almost completely introverted over lockdown- he wears his headphones constantly (which I know every teenager does!) and only feels safe talking with people online and interactions with family have become tense. 
I’m nervous for him about the return to school- any advice on how to increase his self esteem so he’s not so flat to face school? And also, how much privacy should be expect when it comes to his online activity? He has got very upset when I asked to know his Twitter password as he said it’s the one thing that got him through lockdown and away from ‘here’ (his home). He has also had online bullying from people he did and didn’t know online.

I’m feeling massively out of control and hope someone can help. Pray Huge thanks in advance for any messages.:)

    • Hi, how you doing? :) I can only really comment as an autistic person as opposed to a parent JoyJoy But, I'll help how I can. Personally, I wouldn't intervene too much with his online activity, only as I feel personally, having your own space metaphorically, or literally can feel quite important to me and it can feel quite uncomfortable to have that space feel invaded. I'm just wondering if he has any specific interests or hobbies (he definitely shouldn't be forced into revealing these to others if he's not comfortable with that, but it's just something to consider for him trying to find a secure place to be himself). Like I say, sorry if this isn't too much help, just wanted to offer my thoughts and support as I had a rough time in school (in hindsight, probably partially due to autism). Wishing you and your son all the best :) 
    • Hi, how you doing? :) I can only really comment as an autistic person as opposed to a parent JoyJoy But, I'll help how I can. Personally, I wouldn't intervene too much with his online activity, only as I feel personally, having your own space metaphorically, or literally can feel quite important to me and it can feel quite uncomfortable to have that space feel invaded. I'm just wondering if he has any specific interests or hobbies (he definitely shouldn't be forced into revealing these to others if he's not comfortable with that, but it's just something to consider for him trying to find a secure place to be himself). Like I say, sorry if this isn't too much help, just wanted to offer my thoughts and support as I had a rough time in school (in hindsight, probably partially due to autism). Wishing you and your son all the best :) 
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