Adaptive computer access technology for severe ASD / LD children / adults

Hello All,

  I'm a care worker working with an individual whose special interests involve specific youtube videos. They have had iPads, but broken them due to challenging behaviours that cannot reasonably be limited. The remote for a smart TV is too fiddly for them to work, and using carers as a proxy is time consuming and frustrating for them as they are non verbal.

I'm considering trying to put together a custom controller that would be

  • robust enough to survive
  • simple enough to use 
  • cheap to make from existing technology
  • safe (possibly fixed location, or padded unless it becomes a projectile)

also thinking about custom user interfaces that are easier for them to move through quickly and effectively - at the moment there is a lot of scrolling through youtube history using a smart tv remote. Not ideal.

Does anyone know of any charities / businesses working in this area? Any other communities where adaptive tech for severe ASD / LD is specifically discussed? 

Also if you think this would be useful to someone you care for / know / are, please let me know. 

  • Seems quite a hard question to ask, hence why you havent had any answers :( 

    Why make one from scratch? When you say this service user has a special interest in Youtube videos; do they just like to binge watch them?

    I think you are over complicating things; no disrespect. What does this service user use to view these Videos, a PC? Im sure there are lots of wireless bluetooth game controllers out there; in fact the P55 or XBOX One X controllers I think are compatible with PC but i may be wrong. You can then get a plugin to map out each controller button (ie the X button) to act at the return key etc etc

    My Dad has MS, visually impaired but he is very good with tech. If you can be more specific as to the above, how does this service user actually WATCH the videos, I will ask him for his input :)