Please, please can someone help me? I'm concerned about my 9 year old boy.


This is my first time postin, I'll get straight to it I have a 9 year old boy who I've always thought is just harder work to get through too and is a day dreamer with a incredible imagination but the older he gets the more concerned i have become it's only recently in the last week that it's even accured to me he may have always been showing signs of autism. 

He struggles with making and keeping friends however it's very unlikely to upset him, he just plays on his own very happily. He enjoys his own company. He wont budge on what hes playing or try new things like I've seen children his age doing he will just go off and do his own thing. 

He talks ALOT barely comes up for air when its something he is interested in! He is pretty loud when speaking and we find ourselves always telling him not to shout. 

He obsessive over things to the point he has almost convinced himself that he is them ie Harry Potter (when in year one made everyone in class call him Harry and signed his work as Harry) he will talk for hours to anyone who will listen about the things he is in fascination with at the time even if its clear they arent listening. I've seen this happen many times it's so sad but he is completely unaware. 

He has the most amazing imagination for a 9 year old he always wants to be playing or thinking about how a game can go, down to every fine detail and is very controlling over what part he will play however he spends the whole time thinking up a game or discussing it and telling other people and what will happen in it he rarely actually plays the game. 

He cannot cope with music or dancing period hates it you can see it physically makes him squirm. It really overwhelms him.

He Is a fantastic artist and again will only draw the same things over and over depending on what his new fascination is. 

He cant bare people touching him unless it's on his terms and even then he can look like it's almost forced with everyone but myself. When friends have put their arm over him he will remove it instantly he wont allow his brother to cuddle him at all. 

He is still very much into dressing up which I'm unsure if children his age still like doing as many grow up too fast. He will sit for hours to make his own costume if he doesnt have what he wants to dress up as.

You need to bring him down to earth to get through to him you can say his name a million times next to him and it's like he is completely deaf until you maybe move your arms around and say his name to gain his attention. 

He much prefers adult company to children's and doesnt seem to understand children and can be very bossy with them. 

He cant stand loud noises ever and gets quite irritated by them especially people eating loudly, music etc. 

He can take things very literally or completely miss the point of something you are telling him or explaining to him and goes off onto something that is totally irrelevant to what you are saying. 

These are just a few of his ways and I'm genuinely devastated that its never accured to me maybe he has some form of autism. Am I right for worrying? Please help me i dont want to go through a process of labeling him if it's just me having a panic over nothing. 

I'm literally in tears, I feel awful I've never seen it or worried about it before and I must have told him off so many times for not listening, not getting the point not playing the games other children are etc. 

Please please can someone help me? 

Thank you 

  • As a parent to a child with autism I would say don’t bother coming on here for advice , I was also met with criticism from mainly autistic adults blaming me and saying horrible things. I would go to your gp or even drop into the Carers centre as you would get much better advice and wouldn’t be made to feel like a failure off people who are judging you based on their own childhood experiences. You have every right to come on here asking for advice about your child as autistic adults come on here for advice about themselves too it’s just beyond a joke now this community!!

  • Actually they’re judging you on how you use your words - the hidden feelings that you have are easily spotted in the way you write your posts. For example here’s a common one 

    “I suspect my child is autistic” 


    Let’s think about it for a moment.... Thinking


    1. a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offence.
      "the police have arrested a suspect"
  • Suspect ; to have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof. 

    Your analysing and picking out certain words then turning them into a negative, they “suspect” their child has autism as it’s not been confirmed. Parents come on here for advice usually when they are struggling or feeling down yet people are pinpointing words they have used and making them feel worse about they’re parenting or saying it’s all their fault. If you are an adult with autism and not a parent to an autistic child then why are you coming onto the parent & carer forum with all intensions to do nothing but cause hurt .

  • They do think they are listening but they don’t even know what listen means. They don’t intend to be like that it’s in their genes

  • Wel if that’s what you think about all nt parents then that’s your opinion but it’s completely wrong 

  • I actually teach parents about autism and they never listen and take on board. They listen and then disregard or they twist advice into their own version of what they’d expect. 

    I know what’s it’s like to be non verbal totally outside normal reality in a sensory overload state but NT parents never listen or take it as a valid experience.

  • I completely understand that but I just worry parents are starting to not post on here as they are scared they will be criticised or blamed. It’s not helpful as these forums are sometimes the only means of help for some people.

  • I completely understand that but I just worry parents are starting to not post on here as they are scared they will be criticised or blamed. It’s not helpful as these forums are sometimes the only means of help for some people.
