Struggle with the school

Hi everyone,

i have a 4,5 year old son who started reception this September.  He had a funding in preschool, which helped him socially a lot, but since at school he doesn’t receive anything. We applied for EHCP needs assessment, but we didn’t get it. The LA is saying the school has enough funding to deal with this, but school doesn’t seem to do much and very defensive. They don’t provide enough information and sometimes I feel they state false things. My son can be very withdrawn in busy school situations such as school playgrounds. He doesn’t have anyone looking over him particularly other than the 4 adults for the whole school at playtimes. He had 2 head injuries within the first 3/52 in September from the same boy, which school notified me at the beginning, but since I went in to speak with them about it they stopped letting me know in writing as I used the slips in our EHCP paperwork as evidence. My son keeps having injuries, which never happened in preschool and not typical of him. His latest one was again with the same child and resulted 2 chipped incisor teeth for him and one of them potentially nerve damaged as he is constantly in pain, but dentist do nothing to alleviate it other than will have a look at 1/12 time..

I am getting very anxious and angry at the same time with the school (obviously trying to keep a professional communication up with them) but the school is playing everything down and very passive. They don’t even think there was an impact in the injury where his tooth got damaged.. I am not sure where this is going to go?  Don’t understand why the school is so passive and why they are not providing extra pair of hands to help him at playtime to model proper interactions and keep him safe. He can be very withdrawn and complying with the teachers whatever they ask him to do. (Educational psychologist input) My son is not happy to go to school now, he is scared, he is constantly stripped over. But if I mention anything to the school they think I am just an anxious mother and over reacting the situation. Although they know he has ASD diagnosis..

What can I do? Please help me with some advice? What can I say to my son he should do if something happens on the playground? I tell him to tell it to the teacher immediately, but of course one of his problem is communication so he can’t stand up for himself and normally the other children fill in the teachers which not necessarily reflect what happens. Occasionally at evening times at home I get drips of information from him, but I can’t keep questioning him as he gets upset and doesn’t want to scare him either. 

Please help me what to do?

thank you 

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