Sleep issues


Just some info for you to appraise and research for yourself

It has become known that when NT and AT people sleep the brain produces melatonin , Which on contact with light (open our eyes) Turns to serotonin, Serotonin is a drug that makes you happy its all part of the cardiac rhythm. But here is the kicker, NT people will produce say 5g of melatonin an hour whilst they sleep , so aftyer 7 hours they have 35g of melatonin that turns into 35g or serotonin, on waking up, which produces a happy confident mood  , Now an AT person will at night produce 2g of melatonin which means after 7 hours they get a 14g hit of serotonin , no where nears as much as a NT ,Which explains why AT people can constantly feel a little bit low, But here is the kicker the part that you as a parent have to accept and face the reality of, it has been proven that AT people who sleep during the day, Have 5 g of melatonin produced per hour, compared to 2g per hour of melatonin at night, ill just leave that there, seretonin makes you happy, for an AT to be more happy, They have to sleep during the day not at night QED

  • What is truly terrifying is that every AT School, care home, day center, ALL force AT people out of their natural rhythm And forces them in ignorance i hope, to be miserable all the time, just because we force them to follow our rules, Yet these places claim to be trying to help ? help them or us is the real question for the NAS and others

  • What is truly terrifying is that every AT School, care home, day center, ALL force AT people out of their natural rhythm And forces them in ignorance i hope, to be miserable all the time, just because we force them to follow our rules, Yet these places claim to be trying to help ? help them or us is the real question for the NAS and others

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