How bad is my son

I lived outside the US and my 25 months old son is recently diagnosed with ASD. I am very worried he will never speak to us

His behaviours

  • eye contact with parents/ grandparents
  • eye contact with strangers nearby
  • he doesn't point to things (but drag you to it)
  • toe walking (not very often)
  • doesn't respond to his name
  • speak around 20 single words
  • a lot of baby talk
  • head banging 
  • tandrum when he doesnt get what he want
  • obsessed with youtube video
  • can sing A-Z song, can say and point to the correct shapes and colors

However when I say 

"If You're Happy And You Know It" , he will clap his hand physically

And yesterday when I ask him "A for ?" "B for ?" he could answer Apple, Ball, Cat, Dog.......etc at first I guess he learn this from youtube and memeorize it by heart. But when I ask him "H for ?" he could answer Hot , which is a word we taught him when feeding.

  • Hi! My daughter is 32 months and is diagnosed with ASD (we both are) she occasionally says the odd word but there’s no consistency with it so she’s still pre-verbal really. I’m confident that she will talk though, in her own time. From what you are saying your son is talking, hopefully this continues to increase.