Independent travel

Hi, I am the parent of a 15 year old on the autistic spectrum, and have recently started working in the road safety team in a London borough. While we visit schools and work with children in regard to safer behaviour on roads and transport, nothing is currently focused on the needs of children with SEN. One of the programs I would like to develop is independent travel skills for children who may be able to, with support, be able to go to school by themseleves. I know we had to muddle through when working through my son's anxiety about going out on his own, getting onto the bus, dealing with social interaction etc and are now still on him being confident enough to deal with changes to plans and diversions.

I am looking to start by aiming at mainstreamed year 6 to 9s range  and wanted to start by seeing what experiences people such as myself had and what they really would have found useful when their child was at this age. I am starting out with only what I have self taught and experienced so thought it best to canvas those with experience.


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