16 year old daughter

Hi. New on here. I have a 16 year old daughter who is really struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts and self harm and we are working through an anorexia diagnosis. She is with CAHMS but really struggles to communicate in counselling and they have suggested theres little more they can do, she is on medication and it has been suggested that she may have ASD - but she refuses to undertake the assessment to get a diagnosis - she already feels like she is the odd one out and doesnt want the "label". She is isolated from her peers, shows no motivation to change or get better and my husband and I are terrified that she will take her own life. I don't really have a question but would really appreciate any support or words of advice from parents in a similar situation. I feel completely helpless, am struggling to cope and really fear for her future. Thanks

  • Hello,

    I’ve read your message and know that you will get support on this group. 

     You have done so much for your daughter already getting her in CAMHS and medical support. She has you and that’s a huge support for her and you care and you love her.  You must be a fantastic support to her. 

    You are doing all you can for your daughter and everything you have done shows you are not helpless you are proactive and supportive and a wonderful parent who will stand by her every step x 

  • Thanks so much. That means a lot. It’s a struggle to keep up the support sometimes when you feel she’s making no progress but I really appreciate your message and your support. 

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