House cleaning and personal care

Hi I recently became a support worker for a man with autism and schizophrenia.

Most day he refuses to clean the house and at times him self.when I prompt him, by sharing the task and braking in two sessions, morning and afternoon he goes in what we would call a strop.somentimes by refusing his meds.sometimes stays under the duvet for hours.

If he wasn't on the spectrum, we would call it manipulation.

bribing helps at times but we worry he might get used to it and given pepsi and treats are not good for his meds, it s not the what's the solution?

If you say something can not be done that day,IE buying something tomorrow instead of today,he reacts in the same way.

My colleague says he s just lazy cause when he wants he does it .and wants attention.

I would like to find a way for him, to understand the importance of hygiene and maintain a clean environment.

Any suggestions please?

  • I think you should not give up, you can always find an interesting way out of any situation. My youngest daughter for some reason does not like to clean her room. Although there is nothing complicated about cleaning, it is even interesting in its own way. But my wife and I figured out how to get our daughter to clean her room. Better to say, we have come up with an interesting condition, if our daughter cleans the room at least twice a week, then at the end of the week we all go to a special restaurant or pizzeria together. Although we never force her to clean windows, there are services for this like . Maybe in your case, this solution will also work.

  • I think you should not give up, you can always find an interesting way out of any situation. My youngest daughter for some reason does not like to clean her room. Although there is nothing complicated about cleaning, it is even interesting in its own way. But my wife and I figured out how to get our daughter to clean her room. Better to say, we have come up with an interesting condition, if our daughter cleans the room at least twice a week, then at the end of the week we all go to a special restaurant or pizzeria together. Although we never force her to clean windows, there are services for this like . Maybe in your case, this solution will also work.

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