Negative routine

Hi there. My nearly 14 year old daughter has developed a safeguarding routine at school. She is checked voluntarily every morning for any sharps she may have on her and asked to hand them over. She often complies. Although there are days when she doesn't hand them all over, and will at times self harm during the school day. She is selective mute but now doing well in all other areas at school, but this routine she's in the habit of doing is causing safe guarding issues for the school that need to be addressed. I've tried talking to her about it but this is a conversation she gets angry about. I'm just trying to figure out what her need is around this. I'm analysing the school day and putting in place things that may help, mostly around anxiety. School, myself, her CAMHS worker and psychiatrist will be focusing on this behaviour to aid support. Anyone have any advice etc please?

  • I self-harmed in school and at the time had great difficulty expressing my emotions verbally.

    After the self-harm period an older person used to give me books to read that they thought I could relate to. Ones like Catcher in the Rye which is about a young man who feels alien from everyone around him. I stopped the self-harm so maybe the books made the difference.

    That might help, if she realised she isn't alone in feeling different, if that's what the root cause may be. Just an idea, not sure if it will work.

  • yes  books can indeed be very beneficial. There was one book ( by allen carr ) which after reading I never drank alcohol again. This started my move way from depression and then to my diagnosis of autism which I had been self medicating and masking by being drunk.

  • Firstly, a massive well done to your achievement! Secondly, this is very interesting, so thank you. I have bought my daughter some books specifically on coping with ASC in social situations etc, but she said they were difficult to understand. So I will look into other books 

  • In addition to autie aidie's suggestions, Purple Ella's YouTube videos are fantastic. Some of them cover adult topics (although not in too much detail), so just check you're happy with the content first.

  • Thank you very much, I will do that 

  • also try search youtube for videos on the subject. I like "aspie world", "agony autie", "princess aspie" just to name a few. 

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