End of Year results :(. Please, help us to understand the procedures..


Our son is in reception and attends ASD Base. He got his End of Year results and we are very disappointed, because he scored only one "Expected" judgment out of seventeen. We know him very well and do not agree with the judgement. We heard today from his teacher, that it is because of his lack of English language understanding. Is it really like that? Our son will be unclassified because he does not speak and does not fully understand English? He is familiar with many areas from the Early Learning Goals standards and we have pictures to prove it. We were asking the teachers many times if it is better to speak to Patryk in English but they said that it is not necessary and that we can talk with him in our mother tongue. In terms of our son's progress, my husband and I asked the teachers to write notes in his communication book about the disadvantages he has, but they still keep writing about what he was playing with or they just leave simple information that he had a good day.

Another thing is about our son's OT provision. We had his EHCP review meeting four months ago, and still are waiting for paperwork. The teachers said, that he will be reassessed at school, but the OT is off sick. We have been asking for her for a long time and she was always off sick.. Is there any way to make a complaint and what if we would like to change the school? What is the procedure? My husband thinks that you (English people) simply do not like immigrants :).

We would be grateful for your opinions.

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  • hello,

    i am a reception teacher and a parent of a child with asd so i hope i can help you.

    the national average of children achieving expected level of development in 2018 in reception class was 71.5%

    i am unsure what you mean by "unclassified" it sounds very negative!

    the main reason children are assessed in reception is to provide a benchmark score for a child to track their progress throughout their school life. if in a year your child hasn't made sufficient progress then you have reason to question why, is it bad teaching- is it related to his autism-how can we help?

    the 17 elgs include making relationships, communication and language and being imaginative  all of which can be difficult to children on the spectrum.

    teachers are very careful and precise when making judgements- they are moderated regularly so they have to explain carefully what level a child is at and provide evidence to support their judgement

    it is difficult to achieve some of the goals if english is your second language, but schools will encourage you to speak in your mother tongue as well as english - it is a great skill to have! your child must have great teachers for him to have asd eal and achieved an expected. i hope you thank them even though your husband has raciist views towards them.

    why is it helpful for you to have a daily list of barriers he faces at school? school will be busy trying to overcome these barriers rather than have the time to write them down. it is great they are focusing on the positives and his achievements.

    it is great you have high expectations of your school but you also need to be realisitc, schools are hugely underfunded and i am sure your childs teacher would be welcome of any extra support he needs as much as you would.

    you have the right to change the school however that would be a shame if your child is already settled.

  • hello,

    i am a reception teacher and a parent of a child with asd so i hope i can help you.

    the national average of children achieving expected level of development in 2018 in reception class was 71.5%

    i am unsure what you mean by "unclassified" it sounds very negative!

    the main reason children are assessed in reception is to provide a benchmark score for a child to track their progress throughout their school life. if in a year your child hasn't made sufficient progress then you have reason to question why, is it bad teaching- is it related to his autism-how can we help?

    the 17 elgs include making relationships, communication and language and being imaginative  all of which can be difficult to children on the spectrum.

    teachers are very careful and precise when making judgements- they are moderated regularly so they have to explain carefully what level a child is at and provide evidence to support their judgement

    it is difficult to achieve some of the goals if english is your second language, but schools will encourage you to speak in your mother tongue as well as english - it is a great skill to have! your child must have great teachers for him to have asd eal and achieved an expected. i hope you thank them even though your husband has raciist views towards them.

    why is it helpful for you to have a daily list of barriers he faces at school? school will be busy trying to overcome these barriers rather than have the time to write them down. it is great they are focusing on the positives and his achievements.

    it is great you have high expectations of your school but you also need to be realisitc, schools are hugely underfunded and i am sure your childs teacher would be welcome of any extra support he needs as much as you would.

    you have the right to change the school however that would be a shame if your child is already settled.

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