DLA - shall I claim for other benefits too?


just got my DLA approved for my daughter. Was reading the leaflet sent together with the letter mentions that we also can consider claiming child tax credit, free road tax, reduction in council tax etc. Did anyone claim these benefits on top of DLA?  


  • Hi, that decision is really up to you, child tax credits are worked out on your family income so if you have high earnings you probably won't get much but they can help with childcare costs as well. I'm get child tax credits already and have just started completing dla application for my daughter. You could also look in to carers allowance alot of parents get this, I personally won't claim it as I believe it's my responsibility to look after my child but it can help.

  • Hi, that decision is really up to you, child tax credits are worked out on your family income so if you have high earnings you probably won't get much but they can help with childcare costs as well. I'm get child tax credits already and have just started completing dla application for my daughter. You could also look in to carers allowance alot of parents get this, I personally won't claim it as I believe it's my responsibility to look after my child but it can help.

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