Desperate Please Help ~ 4 Year old autistic daughter wont eat?


I am new to this forum. My daughter is 4 years old and was diagnosed with autism in July 2011.

She has an extreemly restricted diet and up to 3 weeks ago would only eat Petits Filous Yogurts and Biscuits (Heinz Biscotti, and Tesco Rich Tea).

Petits Filous have recently changed their packaging and now she will only eat Hinz Biscotti and Tesco Rich Tea biscuits.

However, she has began to eat less and less biscuits as the days have progressed and today has only eaten about 10 biscuits all day.

She drinks robinsons squash reguarly. We do give her minadex but this has recently been discontinued.

I really need some advice, I know that autistic children have restricted diets but I havent been able to find example of any that are this restrictive.

She seems extreemly tired, she was full of energy before when she ate the yogurts but now she looks very pale and is losing weight. She starts school in 2 weeks at an autistic resource base school but I'm worried she wont have the energy.

I have booked an appointment to see the GP on Monday to discuss any suppliments such as meal replacement drink that we could possibly give her but these would need to be mixed in with her orange squash so they couldnt be milkshake based and I dont know if supplement drinks exist which are fruit juice/squash based??

My health visitor is out of her depth and says they cant help and our local dietician says their refferal list is closed due to too many cases.

I have got a paediatrician appointment on the 5th October but this is quite a time away yet.

Thanks for reading this,

Please help, I dont know what to do......? Cry

  • disneyprincess said:


    She seems extreemly tired, she was full of energy before when she ate the yogurts but now she looks very pale and is losing weight. She starts school in 2 weeks at an autistic resource base school but I'm worried she wont have the energy.

    I have booked an appointment to see the GP on Monday to discuss any suppliments such as meal replacement drink that we could possibly give her but these would need to be mixed in with her orange squash so they couldnt be milkshake based and I dont know if supplement drinks exist which are fruit juice/squash based??

    My health visitor is out of her depth and says they cant help and our local dietician says their refferal list is closed due to too many cases.

    I have got a paediatrician appointment on the 5th October but this is quite a time away yet.

    Thanks for reading this,

    Please help, I dont know what to do......? Cry

    hey there

    is she able to communcate well? do you understand her well?

    if so then why not ask her what she wants, what kind of textures, tastes, colours etc she likes, and try to find a compromise on what she will eat and drink that way

    i know shes only 4 but if she has autism then her 'senses' are stronger than ours in general and it means she will probbaly feel/smell/see a lot stronger even at such a young age and obviously if you dont like the taste/texture or even colour you wont eat it and will eat the same kinds of things that are similar to it (and that goes for us adults and non autistics too)

    you dont need a pedeatrition, health visitor, gp or dietitian, you need a specialist in autism and children, have you asked your gp about a referal to an autistic specialist?

    make it clear that your 4 your old autistic child's health is the gp's responsbility as much as it is your own and if they dont refer you to someone who can help then it's up to them to do it, and then ask them how much they know about autism

    but i admit im a wee bit biased with gp's, i think they are pretty useless so maybe don't have the same attitude i just gave here hahahha, (unless its necesary Money Mouth  )

  • disneyprincess said:


    She seems extreemly tired, she was full of energy before when she ate the yogurts but now she looks very pale and is losing weight. She starts school in 2 weeks at an autistic resource base school but I'm worried she wont have the energy.

    I have booked an appointment to see the GP on Monday to discuss any suppliments such as meal replacement drink that we could possibly give her but these would need to be mixed in with her orange squash so they couldnt be milkshake based and I dont know if supplement drinks exist which are fruit juice/squash based??

    My health visitor is out of her depth and says they cant help and our local dietician says their refferal list is closed due to too many cases.

    I have got a paediatrician appointment on the 5th October but this is quite a time away yet.

    Thanks for reading this,

    Please help, I dont know what to do......? Cry

    hey there

    is she able to communcate well? do you understand her well?

    if so then why not ask her what she wants, what kind of textures, tastes, colours etc she likes, and try to find a compromise on what she will eat and drink that way

    i know shes only 4 but if she has autism then her 'senses' are stronger than ours in general and it means she will probbaly feel/smell/see a lot stronger even at such a young age and obviously if you dont like the taste/texture or even colour you wont eat it and will eat the same kinds of things that are similar to it (and that goes for us adults and non autistics too)

    you dont need a pedeatrition, health visitor, gp or dietitian, you need a specialist in autism and children, have you asked your gp about a referal to an autistic specialist?

    make it clear that your 4 your old autistic child's health is the gp's responsbility as much as it is your own and if they dont refer you to someone who can help then it's up to them to do it, and then ask them how much they know about autism

    but i admit im a wee bit biased with gp's, i think they are pretty useless so maybe don't have the same attitude i just gave here hahahha, (unless its necesary Money Mouth  )

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