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Social Thinking conferences coming to the UK in May 2019


Hi, I’m new to the forum but I hope you’ll forgive me for opening with what looks like an ad. I’m helping to organise this conference because ever since I saw Michelle Garcia Winner speak six years ago, I became very excited about the design of her Social Thinking programme. It helped me to look at the topic in a completely new way. Before I retired, I was drawing on the ideas of the programme a lot when advising parents of autistic children and education staff. 

I think this conference could be very interesting and helpful to many of the parents, carers and educators out there, so I wanted to share the info with this community.

About the conferences:

Both events are aimed at adults who live or work with people who have an ASD or ADHD diagnosis (or a social communication disorder) but have good language skills. The programme focuses on practical approaches for understanding social communication barrier and strategies for providing help and support.

Michelle is a very engaging speaker with an informal style, who has been working in this area for decades. 

If you’d like to find out more about the events, all of the information is at [link removed by moderator] and if you’re interested in MIchelle’s work on Social Thinking, you can read more at her excellent website [link removed by moderator]

Have a good weekend all


Parents Reply Children
  • Thank You for your Reply!!

    A while back ( and likely again sometime??), there was a big problem with "Chatbots" and "Spam" upon this Forum... That you or anyone gives feedback or corrections is very useful and important. So Thanks again, I think...! (Sorry I myself probably cannot attend your conferences,though.)

    ...To end this Post... could someone else have a go at saying something pertaining to the Subject, okay...?