
I need some advice , I have 4 boys my eldest who is 22 was diagnosed with autism in 2017 after seeing a numerous amount of Drs from 3 and a half, I also am in the process of getting my youngest boy seen as we believe he is autistic, but the school that he goes to arnt very helpful, my little lad doesn't like loud noises, to a point where most days he will not go.out, but he is made to go out at school and This is very distressing for him . He doesn't sleep, hates water, will only wear certain materials , he smells everything before eating or touching it . My eldest boy get no help from mental health services he is under they keep having meeting to help him but nothing comes from them, we were allocated a social worker to help him get out a bit, but we have only seen him once, it is getting me down, I thought they was help out they but obviously not 

  • If your youngest is in school speak to the senco and ask why reasonable adaptations are not being made. The education rights page on this site is full of useful information. 

    You may consider asking for an ehp as this can help with support and will also help the referral they may also be able to support you with your eldest as well. It is also another agency that the school listen to more than parents! Would the school or your son consider noise canceling headphones or ear plugs some children find them really helpful during noisy times at school. With  my daughter we asked for the school nursing team to come and see her due to severe sleep problems and repetitive behaviour they got camhs to come and see her within weeks. Where as the gp said wait time was 2 years! Regardless of whether your son has a formal diagnosis schools do have a responsibility to ensure your son receives the appropriate help.

  • Please bring your youngest to GP and get referred to a community paediatric. Keep calling them for an appointment, at the appointment, ask for referral to an occupational therapy even though he hasn’t got a diagnosis. This will move thing faster and once he is in the system, he will get lots of supports. Hope this helps !