Starting School in September... any advice???

Hi Parents/Carers.

I've just started the most difficult process, trying to find the best Autistic school for my Daughter. She's due to start this Sept. I feel like I have no idea where to begin.... Any advice from anyone who has been through this process or is currently going through... Any schools anyone could perhaps recommend, although I do understand that every child in unique and all have different needs.

Thank you so much!

I also wanted to take the time to appreciate all Autism parents x


  • You should probably start with what your daughter can & can't do, and whereabouts you live if you want recommendations :)

  • yes of course, thank you for your response.... She's verbal although delayed, not yet toilet trained, she has sensory processing disorder which impacts so much on her learning, learning difficulties, she doesn't social much with children(prefers adults), very active, therefore finds it very difficult to sit and pay attention, enjoys painting, crafts, books, figures, lots and lots of messy/sensory play. We live in central London (Southwark Borough) 


  • I see 3 on google when I search for Autism Primary School. My best advice in the absence of recommendations is to arrange visits ASAP. A lot will let you spend more than a few minutes walking around - let you attend lunch, meet the staff, etc. to put your mind at ease. Not every school will have the resources to do that however so don't be upset if its a standard school visit you are offered.

  • I see 3 on google when I search for Autism Primary School. My best advice in the absence of recommendations is to arrange visits ASAP. A lot will let you spend more than a few minutes walking around - let you attend lunch, meet the staff, etc. to put your mind at ease. Not every school will have the resources to do that however so don't be upset if its a standard school visit you are offered.
