ASD behavioural issues at school - private therapy and help in school - Selby/Doncaster area

My son has ASD had has recently been excluded from school for three days which I supported as I thought this may help.

However, he has been excluded again now for 5 days and the possibility of permanent exclusion. I don't agree with this as provision within school is clearly failing - they talk little of his ASD (diagnosed 18 months ago, apparent from very early age) - all talk is of his behavioural control.

The school do not have the expertise or resources to adequately support him and requests for help from the Local Authority got no-where. An EHCP has been submitted to them, but only in the last week, so could be a long wait and battle like many others. The school has applied for emergency funding. With the threat of perm-ex, there is a 'team around the family' meeting happening in which professional rom the LA will finally showing an interest.

I have discussed with school some kind of 'therapy' for my son to help in understand and 'control' his behaviour (on the occasions of exclusions, this is quite extreme violence). The school think there is more to him than ASD and want a CAMHS referral but they won't take a referral until the EHCP has progressed.

I've looked around on the internet for private providers of support or children with autism, but its a bit like sticking a pin in the map and hoping.

Does anyone have any experience engaging private 'therapy' to help with the emotions of ASD, or with getting private specialists into school to work with the school to develop the school environment around ASD children? My son has no behavioural problems in any setting other than school - hes fine at home, family, friends, after school provision, clubs etc.

I've lots of advice happening about the exclusions, so I'm just after anyone's experiences on private help and where I might find it.



  • Is there an autism charity local to you? If so it's worth seeing if they offer anything. In my area our autism charity has a centre that works with children and their families and teaches them different strategies etc. I hope your son gets the help he needs/deserves.

  • Is there an autism charity local to you? If so it's worth seeing if they offer anything. In my area our autism charity has a centre that works with children and their families and teaches them different strategies etc. I hope your son gets the help he needs/deserves.

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