Advice about 14 year old daughter I suspect has autism

Hi all, I've never posted in here before and I'm really hoping someone can give me a bit of advice.

I already have a son (11) who has asd and had been diagnosed since he was 4.  With my daughter the situation is a bit different as it's only recently that I've suspected that she also is on the spectrum.  She has a lot of traits that have become more and more apparent in the last year or so and this has kind of blindsided me. 

My question really is where do I go next. She obviously will need to be assessed but is this something a gp will refer for or does it need to go through her senco at school? It was a lot different with my son as it was the health visitor that referred him

If anyone could shed any light I'd be really grateful.

Thank you Blush x

  • Hi CharlyArly,

    This is a common situation with autistic girls! We tend to be able to mask our autistic traits very well and the early teens is often the time that falls apart (basically, the social landscape changes and becomes so much more complicated when everyone hits puberty, plus there is an increasing academic workload, and we can no longer keep up with it all at once)! 

    I was referred to CAMHS by my GP (because as a side-effect of my increasing social challenges I became very depressed- self harming, etc.) and they were the ones who first suggested I might be autistic and started me on the diagnostic process. 

    Your GP should be able to make the appropriate referral straight away if you ask about it specifically, though!

  • Hi CharlyArly,

    This is a common situation with autistic girls! We tend to be able to mask our autistic traits very well and the early teens is often the time that falls apart (basically, the social landscape changes and becomes so much more complicated when everyone hits puberty, plus there is an increasing academic workload, and we can no longer keep up with it all at once)! 

    I was referred to CAMHS by my GP (because as a side-effect of my increasing social challenges I became very depressed- self harming, etc.) and they were the ones who first suggested I might be autistic and started me on the diagnostic process. 

    Your GP should be able to make the appropriate referral straight away if you ask about it specifically, though!

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