Any advice would be great

I have 2  as d boys one high functioning 11 years old one low functioning non verbal 3 years old. Anyone any ideas of how to encourage them to bond?

  • I have one with ASD, he is 6 and one 11 year old. I try to find activities they we can all do together.  You may have to start with small and short activities.  This is just one of the best things we have found. Trying to get them to see each other in a positive way.  I agree with the Graham, look at some support Mom groups.   Best of Luck :-)

  • I have one with ASD, he is 6 and one 11 year old. I try to find activities they we can all do together.  You may have to start with small and short activities.  This is just one of the best things we have found. Trying to get them to see each other in a positive way.  I agree with the Graham, look at some support Mom groups.   Best of Luck :-)
