Should we go private or not?

Our 4yo daughter recently had a private pre-assessment with a doctor who says it is highly likely she is on the spectrum. This manifests at preschool as mutism and complete lack of engagement with group activities. We are torn now about what to do next. Do we go private or wait for an nhs appointment? She’s starting school and we’re worried about how she will get on but I’m also worried about the impact of the assessment and possible diagnostic. At home she is ok but with increasing temper tantrums and stubbornness. She really struggles with other kids though. I’ve read that some LAs don’t accept private diagnoses and i’m also worried about escalating costs if we get into the private sphere. We’re in Cambs. 

  • I was diagnosed as an adult by the NHS. It shouldn't be necessary to go private, but waiting lists vary from area to area. Maybe ask Cambridgeshire services whether they accept private diagnosis, and if so with what requirements? CAMHS may be the best place to start (well, after your family GP) and they should be able to answer the waiting list question. There is supposed to be a defined diagnostic pathway in each area, so check you are actually on that, as some of the waiting can be more down to administrative error.

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  • Thank you! We've contacted the GP and will get in touch with CAMHS. 

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