Support for mothers with children diagnosed with Autism

I recently completed the NAS course Autism and Girls. One of the ladies featured in it said she set up a group for mothers whose daughter's diagnosis made them question whether they too had Autism. I wondered if there is any online links to this group?

  • Hi Lois, I don't have an answer to your question, however would be very interested in finding out about this group too. I have a 13 year old son diagnosed last year and learning more about ASD has convinced me I have Autism also. Especially when research is starting to highlight that girls ASD manifests differently to boys. I've read everything I can find and also completed every online test which all suggest I'm on the spectrum, now thinking about speaking to GP to get referred for a diagnosis. Hope someone who knows of the group joins the conversation. Good luck with everything x

  • Hi Lois, I don't have an answer to your question, however would be very interested in finding out about this group too. I have a 13 year old son diagnosed last year and learning more about ASD has convinced me I have Autism also. Especially when research is starting to highlight that girls ASD manifests differently to boys. I've read everything I can find and also completed every online test which all suggest I'm on the spectrum, now thinking about speaking to GP to get referred for a diagnosis. Hope someone who knows of the group joins the conversation. Good luck with everything x

  • Hi ASDx2

    Thanks for your message, I too have questioned if I have Autism. My grandma and certainly my brother had/has but wasn't recognised in their day and I suspect also my daughter's father does. I feel no burning desire to get diagnosed at moment but it would be good to talk to others about it.