Urgent - getting more violent now - 14 year old son

3rd time in about 6 months now. This time he really went for it.

First two times hes thrown things at me - albeit 2nd time a large battery.

This time he decided to dig me in the stomach because he didnt agree with me telling him off for something. We went outside and I did grab him and tell him to cut it out (probably not best idea thinking about). But then he started swinging, hit me a few times cut my lip etc.

One thing I didnt hit him back although I felt like it.

Really don't know what to do. I could have phoned the police I guess and got him taken to the cells (this is what CAMHS are telling us to do).

Dont know what to do. For now, we;ve removed his PC, his mobile, his bedroom door.

Hes all sorry but this is not the first time. With a wife whos smaller than him and a 4 year old sister (hes lost his temper with her in the past) I just dont know what to do.

  • Hiya... oh im so sorry its got worse. Things in my house are not great either the social worker hardly comes since it's not him that's at risk but me. I tried to end my life recently as I thought it's the only way out. My family said I should put him I  care too but it's so heart breaking to even consider this but he'll end up seriously hurting me one day. Did u ring police? I did once but as soon as I said asd they said it's not us see camhs but they told me to avoid triggers which is impossible. I wonder if you'd like to swap numbers if u want to It'd be nice to speak to someone who knows how I feel... It's stupid to say but keep strong x

  • Hiya... oh im so sorry its got worse. Things in my house are not great either the social worker hardly comes since it's not him that's at risk but me. I tried to end my life recently as I thought it's the only way out. My family said I should put him I  care too but it's so heart breaking to even consider this but he'll end up seriously hurting me one day. Did u ring police? I did once but as soon as I said asd they said it's not us see camhs but they told me to avoid triggers which is impossible. I wonder if you'd like to swap numbers if u want to It'd be nice to speak to someone who knows how I feel... It's stupid to say but keep strong x

  • OMG thats so awful....

    No not rung the police yet. CAMHS keep harping on about having to do that but I think its just so they're off the hook. I get the feeling that the police would then say ring CAMHS like you had.

    Know EXACTLY what you mean. You don;'t want to put him in care but then there are other things to consider like the safety of the rest of the family too. 

    If you don;t mind me asking, how did you get social worker involved?