Mum of 11 year old daughter needs help

This is my first post so please bear with me. 

My daughter is 11 and was diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum just over a year ago. She started senior school in September but is really struggling with friendships and is consequently being bullied, mostly on the bus home. I’d like any advice on helping her make and maintain friendships. 

Also, with hormones raging she is so up and down I’m struggling to handle some of her outbursts. She has taken to throwing stuff round in her room although she seems to be being careful not to actually break anything. I mostly sit outside her door in tears until it’s over but wish I could help her express her emotions without getting in such a state. 

Any my help/advice from those who have been where I am would be appreciated. Thanks x

  • Hi Rachel,  does your daughter want to have friends? I only ask because everyone tried to get me to have friends but I didn't want them. If she does then I have no idea how to get them but if she doesn't then she doesn't need to force herself to have them to fit in.

  • Funny you should say this as at my therapy session today my therapist said exactly the same thing and to be honest, I don’t actually think she does want friends as much as I want her to have them. I just assumed she would be lesser target for bullying with friends but know this isn’t necessarily the right way to view the situation. 

  • Funny you should say this as at my therapy session today my therapist said exactly the same thing and to be honest, I don’t actually think she does want friends as much as I want her to have them. I just assumed she would be lesser target for bullying with friends but know this isn’t necessarily the right way to view the situation. 

  • I am a little like you daughter, as I have one friend that I see every 6 - 8 weeks (school holidays as she's a teacher) then I usually have a boyfriend, although I'm single at the minute. That meets all of my socialising needs. Appa, ently this is common for ASD women.

    Although I don't want lots of friends, if I spend most of my time on my own I do get lonely so like to be around other people, which is why I attend the running club.