Travel assistance / Travel training


I'm new to this,

My daughter is 16 yrs old and will be leaving school soon. She has ASD,ADHD and learning difficulties. She doesn't have a ECHP.  Just a school plus learning plan.She is at a mainstream school.

The college she wants to go too is a distance from home,I can not take her. There is a public bus that goes pass the college.I'm looking for travel assistance for her. travel training.Does anyone know where I can get some help with this.Point me in the right direction

Any help appreciated

  • Hello. When my cousin faced a similar situation, we explored travel training options. Have you considered contacting local disability support organizations? They often have resources and can guide you through the process. Also, maybe the college has student support services that could assist with travel arrangements.

  • Hello. When my cousin faced a similar situation, we explored travel training options. Have you considered contacting local disability support organizations? They often have resources and can guide you through the process. Also, maybe the college has student support services that could assist with travel arrangements.

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