14 year old - OCD/Apergers - "forgetting" medication

Not impressed I must admit but thats my son to a tee. Goes with the flow, expects things to bend the way he wants etc and will make zero effort to help himself.

We've spent over £500 on private consultant appointments to get him seen and presribed medication. Found out for the last 10 days hes "forgotten" to take it.

Hes almost 15 - I'm absolately bomping mad with him. Surely, at 14/15 he should be able to know the importance of it?

  • I’m 50 years old and I forget to take my medication and because of that I’ve stopped taking it altogether now. It was causing me more anxiety just to remember to take it, even when I put it on the little table I use to put my drink on in a morning, I still forgot. I honestly don’t know why I forget to take it so often and I haven’t told the doctor yet that I’ve stopped taking it, I just can’t seem to remember and I haven’t got anybody to remind me so I’ve just stopped. I’m not causing any physical violence to anybody but I’ve noticed I do speak my mind a lot more when I’m not taking it and that often upsets people. The only thing I could suggest is somebody giving it to him so he can’t forget. It must be a very frightening situation to be in when he is violent, particularly with a young child around. 

  • Yes fair point Blue Ray. Maybe we need to help him remember a little better.

    Unfortunately, at the moment, we're having a lot of trouble helping him remember anything - hes totally occupoed with computer games. Homework the lot gets forgotten about.

  • p.s. I’m not saying your son doesn’t need guidance. My support worker getting a bit annoyed with me and more or less telling me I was acting like a spoilt child, did the trick. Ok I might have got horribly drunk on gin and Valium but everything has improved since then. And I’m certainly not trying to tell you what to do. You’ve got to do whatever you’ve got to do and I would never criticise you for whatever you did. I’m just sharing my experience in case it sheds some light for you and your boy and your family. You’re already doing a far better job as a parent than I could ever do. My child only had to cry and I would freak out. Thank god he didn’t cry a lot. It’s a tough role being a parent and we often get little thanks or recognition for all the effort we put into parenting, so I’m on your side. 

  • p.s. I’m not saying your son doesn’t need guidance. My support worker getting a bit annoyed with me and more or less telling me I was acting like a spoilt child, did the trick. Ok I might have got horribly drunk on gin and Valium but everything has improved since then. And I’m certainly not trying to tell you what to do. You’ve got to do whatever you’ve got to do and I would never criticise you for whatever you did. I’m just sharing my experience in case it sheds some light for you and your boy and your family. You’re already doing a far better job as a parent than I could ever do. My child only had to cry and I would freak out. Thank god he didn’t cry a lot. It’s a tough role being a parent and we often get little thanks or recognition for all the effort we put into parenting, so I’m on your side. 

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