URGENT HELP NEEDED - Out of control what do we do?

Its getting worse. Today hes smashed in the wall by throwing a huge computer chair at it. Hes smashed the wardrobe door off the hinges.

We've tried and tried, but any attempt to even speak to him results in literally going from 0 - 1000 in a second. Hes shouts screams and punches the walls.

Today he went for my wife. Next step is going to be the police. We've been here before a month or so ago - took him to A&E out of desperation - they did nothing. All the useless tossers at CAMHS have done is tell us its bad parenting and to ring the police.

Hes 14 a big lad. As I've said before, hes got OCD and possible Aspergers. We've tried it all but he just does what he wants. Hes told his mother he wishes she were dead quite a few times. Last week he told me he was going to ring social services and tell them I was hitting him so I'd get arrested. I just just see it all heading down the slope into oblivion at the moment and he doesnt see it, doesnt care, or doesnt register.

I can't go near him at the moment but hes just a danger at the moment at times - We're so on our own because there is no-one to help!

  • CAMHS are bloody awful here......and tbh social worker is totally out of his depth. But I do think the first port of call is to go to social services direct & your G.P...or have you done that?

  • Oh jeez thats awful. Thanks for replying. Thats the way hes heading at the moment I'm afraid. He just does not seem to care though and is convinced its all us.

    I just want to get help for him before it gets this far.

    Must admit I am tempted to drop him off at A&E and let them deal with it. Not fair I know but as you said, they wont do a thing.

  • We have been there with my 16 year old. All CAMHS told us to do was phone the police but in the end there was nothing they could do....they couldn't take him to A&E because he was in his home. If he had been out in a public space they would have. In the end  after having him home full time for 9 months and I got attacked twice in a space of 24 hours,we had to put him in voluntary care, still not the ideal place but we are waiting for him to get a residential placement. Hardest thing to have done.