School Ignorance

My wife had a phonecall with our sons school the other day and they said "well he doesn't show any signs while he's here".

We are already suspicious that the school are going with what's easier for them rather than putting children first.

We have a meeting with them next week to discuss his progress.

He was diagnosed with ASD in March and we have been very upfront with the school from the start.

Does anyone else have these kind of issues with schools?


  • Hi,

    My son was diagnosed with Asperger's in July, and I have had problems with schools also. In his primary school I spoke to the senco teacher and also his class teacher about my concerns that my son could be autistic, and both told me that they hadn't noticed anything and made me feel quite small for even asking. 2 years later and he now has a diagnosis of Asperger's. I think it is hard if your child is high functioning as they can be very clever at masking things while at school and then erupting once home. My son is now in year 8 of secondary main stream school, and I am now fighting them to get help for him. Before my son returned to school in September I sent a copy of his autism assessment and asked for help from learning support regarding social groups, it took them 5 weeks to reply to my email with a quick phone call to say they would arrange this for him and I have heard nothing since. Because his progress in lessons is good and he doesn't want to be taken out of normal lessons they don't seem to want to help. I have now contacted mencap for help regarding this as I just don't feel I am being listened to. There are charities that can help you if you are having problems with the school.

    Hope this helps and good luck with the meeting Relaxed

  • Hi,

    My son was diagnosed with Asperger's in July, and I have had problems with schools also. In his primary school I spoke to the senco teacher and also his class teacher about my concerns that my son could be autistic, and both told me that they hadn't noticed anything and made me feel quite small for even asking. 2 years later and he now has a diagnosis of Asperger's. I think it is hard if your child is high functioning as they can be very clever at masking things while at school and then erupting once home. My son is now in year 8 of secondary main stream school, and I am now fighting them to get help for him. Before my son returned to school in September I sent a copy of his autism assessment and asked for help from learning support regarding social groups, it took them 5 weeks to reply to my email with a quick phone call to say they would arrange this for him and I have heard nothing since. Because his progress in lessons is good and he doesn't want to be taken out of normal lessons they don't seem to want to help. I have now contacted mencap for help regarding this as I just don't feel I am being listened to. There are charities that can help you if you are having problems with the school.

    Hope this helps and good luck with the meeting Relaxed

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