What about diet?

I have read on a website that sugar (natural or refined), gluten and dairy can make symptoms of Autism worse.  I did a search after observing my daughter become agitated and started to complain of extreme anxiety after having a substantial amount of grapes. She loves all fruits and she does eat considerably more than five a day. She doesn't eat much bread but loves pasta. I would like to hear from anyone who has had experience in benefits of changing diet before I suggest it to her.

  • The NHS website does not recommend restricted diets such as gluten-free or casein-free because there is no evidence they work and they could potentially be dangerous.

    Having said that I follow a diet based on my blood group (A) which is largely dairy free (yoghurt is ok) and I find that excluding dairy helps my sinus problems.

    (The book also suggests that autism is more common in people with group A blood than other blood types.)

  • The NHS website does not recommend restricted diets such as gluten-free or casein-free because there is no evidence they work and they could potentially be dangerous.

    Having said that I follow a diet based on my blood group (A) which is largely dairy free (yoghurt is ok) and I find that excluding dairy helps my sinus problems.

    (The book also suggests that autism is more common in people with group A blood than other blood types.)

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