This following, was printed in:
Asperger United, Edition 83, July 2015. (Page 10 (10-ish).)

"Brain waves are listed in order from sleeping to waking as beta, alpha, theta and delta. Beta being the waking state and alpha the state in which all children (and all animals) are in. Consider the proposal that autism is a brain which has more conscious connections to the alpha state, which is why the more "SEVERE" it is, the more childlike or sensitive the person is. Neurotypicals are "successful" beta people, while persons like me, with Asperger's syndrome, are highly beta, ..."

After that, it was mentioned again, in one-or-two later issues of AU... but still no-one responded to that EXACT topic (Brainwaves + Autism). So I (try to) invite opinions HERE.

There are "Links" to "prove" this matter, if the links given below still work:

みんあ: がんばって 下さい,な...

  • Title for this Post:
    *** An extremely Gross Simplification, of the Lower End of the HERTZ Scale. From Lowest to Higher. ***

    <0 --- This is seen as "Dead" yet really only means that the Hertz Scale cannot define it anymore (!). (Switch to using another Unit Of Measurement instead.)
    0 --- Unconscious, Sleeping, Coma (Not Normal Adults)
    10 --- Children, "Animals" (Not Normal Adults)
    15 --- Conscious, Normal Adult Awareness. Child Hearing, but not Common Adult/Human Hearing.
    20 --- Normal Awareness. Lower limit of Normal Adult Hearing.
    30 --- Maximum of Normal Adult Awareness. Moving Visible Muscles.
    40 --- Mystics, Meditation... - i.e. NOT Normal Adults.
    50 --- So-called "Gamma EEG"
    >100 --- ... this leads past and above Hertz Frequencies for Light, Sound, Gamma Waves... etc. (other Books and Websites should give clarification.)

    ...With regards to Autism, All can access from <> Zero to 30; yet Autism is the "Brain" difficulty in accessing above 13Hz, whilst the "Body" is Naturally Conscious and above that stage. It must be "taught" and "enforced".

  • Title for this Post:
    *** An extremely Gross Simplification, of the Lower End of the HERTZ Scale. From Lowest to Higher. ***

    <0 --- This is seen as "Dead" yet really only means that the Hertz Scale cannot define it anymore (!). (Switch to using another Unit Of Measurement instead.)
    0 --- Unconscious, Sleeping, Coma (Not Normal Adults)
    10 --- Children, "Animals" (Not Normal Adults)
    15 --- Conscious, Normal Adult Awareness. Child Hearing, but not Common Adult/Human Hearing.
    20 --- Normal Awareness. Lower limit of Normal Adult Hearing.
    30 --- Maximum of Normal Adult Awareness. Moving Visible Muscles.
    40 --- Mystics, Meditation... - i.e. NOT Normal Adults.
    50 --- So-called "Gamma EEG"
    >100 --- ... this leads past and above Hertz Frequencies for Light, Sound, Gamma Waves... etc. (other Books and Websites should give clarification.)

    ...With regards to Autism, All can access from <> Zero to 30; yet Autism is the "Brain" difficulty in accessing above 13Hz, whilst the "Body" is Naturally Conscious and above that stage. It must be "taught" and "enforced".

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