"I'm on the bus. I'll see you in five minutes."

            I was talking to a young woman at work this week (she already thought I was odd because I don't have a freezer, so you can imagine the reaction when I told her I don't have a TV or a mobile phone).  We were talking about conspiracies.

            "What if," I said, "the government, or even just your employer, said to you that they wanted you to wear one of those electronic devices, so that they always knew where you were and what you were most likely up to?  But, if you chose to - and for a small reduction in salary, or increase in taxation - you could opt out of wearing it?  What would you do?"

            "I'd opt out, of course.  It's a gross invasion of privacy."

            Yes.  Good point.  But...

            "What if I told you that you were holding such a device in your hand right now?"

            She looked at her phone.  She does that a lot.  She was actually looking at it whilst I was talking to her, but she's NT, so she's able to divide her attention like that.

           "Not only can it tell people precisely where you are," I went on, "but it can tell them all the details of your personal contacts, your private messages, your internet usage history, the people you call and text, your banking and credit card details, your shopping habits, where you live, what you own, your hobbies, the places you like to go, what you like to eat and drink, how many pets you have, what your boyfriend's doing, and who he's seeing and contacting.  They can get access to all your photographs.  All your selfies. The list goes on.  And not only do you accept it willingly, but you're also happy to pay for the privilege."

            She looked at me in a way that confirmed for me what she thought.  That finally, I'd completely lost the plot.

            "But that would never happen," she said.  "There are data protection and privacy laws against things like that."

            "And who makes those laws?  The very people who might want access to that information."

            "But why would they want to do that?"

            I couldn't believe I was being asked that question.  It doesn't take a lot of figuring out, with the crazy state the world is in now.  I tried mentioning the US government's record on surveillance, and how laws regarding warrants are now getting more... erm... flexible?  That's a polite way to put it.

            "And what about people who don't care about those laws, anyway?  People who can side-step them?  Hackers?  Terrorists?  Other criminals?"

            "Well..." she went on, "I still have a choice, don't I.  And I choose to have a phone."



            They're definitely starting to win once people are convinced that addiction and enslavement are 'choices'.  That's how it all works. 

             Am I the only one who thinks this way?  Am I the only one who thinks this whole thing has deeply insidious and dangerous implications for us all?  Don't get me wrong.  The internet has opened up the world for me and enabled me to connect with people I'd never otherwise have known about. It's enabled me to showcase my design work and garner an audience. But I don't need it there all the time.  I'll use it in the morning before work, then in the evening for creative work and entertainment.  Apart from that, I can leave it alone.  It stops at my front door.  I don't need to keep constantly checking my 'likes' or texts.  In fact, I don't want to.  I'm lucky, I guess, because I belong to a generation (fogeys?) that didn't grow up with mobile phones, so their use wasn't conditioned into me.  The phone is not, and never has been, and never will be, a dominant part of my life. 

            These poor sods, though.  And they just can't see what it's done.  The drastic way it's changed society.   For a good many people, it's effectively decommissioned one of their hands - because it's always there in hand: in the car, in the supermarket, on the beach, constantly being checked and updated. I went for a cycle ride in the beautiful sunshine this morning, and I hardly saw a single person who wasn't either using a device or holding one.  A woman stopped jogging to check her phone.  I passed her again later, after I'd covered about five miles, and she was only about half a mile further on from where I'd first seen her - stopped again to check her phone.  The people at work have them on their desks all day, and look at them at every available opportunity.  These devices have got us hooked and addicted and obsessed. Young people are suffering without even realising it. They can't afford to miss anything - and by so doing, they miss so much else.  Phone-related accidents are increasing. 'Nomophobia' is now a clinically-recognised condition: extreme anxiety caused by the loss of the phone, or going out and forgetting it.  Kids are suffering mental illnesses - both through using their phones, and then through not using them.

            Yet people still think I'm strange, deranged, possibly clinically insane for harbouring thoughts about where this might all be heading, and the dire implications for all of us.

            Lambs to the slaughter.  That's what I think, anyway.

            But then, I'm crazy.

            I don't have a freezer.  Or a TV.

            Or a phone.


  • On another thread, I mentioned what I've been reading recently about Facial Recognition Technology (FRT).  It drew me back to this.  The new Apple iPhone X can be unlocked when its user simply looks at it.  It reads the face by projecting a grid of 30,000 infrared dots, and is very hard to deceive.  Wired magazine even hired a Hollywood make-up artist to make silicone face masks they hoped would trick an iPhone X into believing it was seeing an authorised user.  It failed to beat the system.  FRT is making huge advances.  Its sinister uses - such as in China, with the profiling of Uighurs, and with the development of algorithms that can even figure out, with high accuracy, a man's sexual orientation... well, frankly, it scares the hell out of me.

    Allessandro Acquisti, Professor of IT at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, says: "From a technological perspective, the ability to successfully conduct mass-scale facial recognition in the wild seems inevitable.  Whether as a society we will accept that technology, however, is another story."  As if we'll have a choice.  I don't think it'll come to choice, even.  It'll just be accepted.

    It wasn't so many years ago that, as a society, we were reading 1984 and probably thinking 'It'll never happen.'  Now... the UK, for instance, has more CCTV cameras than in any other European state.  It's virtually impossible already to make a journey anywhere in the UK without being tracked the whole way - though people do still slip through the net.  For now.

    The old argument, of course, is 'If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.'  Oh, really?  Are we all that naive?

    Complete social control.  The goal of governments everywhere.

    And we're holding the key to it in our hands.  And, it would seem, our faces...

  • I agree with the assertion that, through the use of the internet in general and the more personal uses of phones in particular, insidious social control is being ignored or accepted by more and more people. I'm less sure about the reasons mentioned here for why most people are willing to ignore or accept it, I don't think it's always because of ignorance of the facts. (Although some people definitely are.)  

    From listening to young people, and others who live their lives through these devices, I'm hearing that it's because the gains outweigh these drawbacks for them.

    They need this constant validation of their social position (status, likes, followers etc.), need to constantly feel connected to and a vital part of as many networks of people as possible, like that it projects an idealised image of popularity and connected-ness which they're keen to constantly polish and present to these people, and like that the smarter it becomes the more it knows them and feels like a constant companion. 

    A real person wouldn't give them this level of constant attention and total devotion and connected-ness, so it makes sense that real relationships will be allowed to suffer in an effort to keep this two-way worship scenario going.

    I don't own a phone, but I would also find the idea of a human companion THAT attentive and devoted quite disturbing! I quite enjoy being out of contact with people and often seek that position deliberately, don't enjoy social situations or groups, and quite often like feeling a little bit apart from the majority of humanity. I'd be really interested to know the percentage of people with ASD who don't live their lives hyper-connected compared with the percentage of NT's. The apparent need to be in constant social contact with others is the top NT trait that I definitely DO NOT envy!       

  • Human beings are social creatures. In the past, when people lived in tribes, if a person did something wrong, they would be banished from the tribe and within days, they would be dead. People need social contact. It’s a fundamental part of human nature. Because most humans don’t know their true nature, they allow themselves to be manipulated. If you look back closely over the history of slavery, you will see that modern man is simply modern slave, only now he finds his own accommodation and food. 

    There’s nothing right or wrong with modern forms of communication but if you look at what’s going on at Silicon Valley, you will see they’ve been working on hand helds and wearables for a long time as a means of tracking and therefore manipulating people’s spending habits etc more easily. So phones and now watches (wearables) are moving us along nicely towards being chipped. 

    Autistic people don’t require the same level of human contact as nt’s do because the part of the brain which has evolved over the years, to allow a person to be more connected to their physical aspect of being, in order to build societies, cities etc, is not present in autistic beings (I forget the name of this part of the brain), but we haven’t got it which means we’re more connected to our spiritual aspect which means we are already more connected to everything and everyone else on the planet so we require less of the actual physical contact. 

  • You’re not alone in not understanding quantum physics Tom, nobody does, that’s the point. If it could be understood, it would be simply physics and not quantum physics but it’s been around for years. Einstein spoke of it and right back to Jesus and others before him, people have been speaking about it and exploring it. It’s fascinating, if you don’t try to understand it! Lol! 

    Metaphysics isn’t hard to grasp. It basically states that the world is run by the law of cause and effect. There can be no effect without a cause and man can do nothing, until he has had a thought and the thoughts then produce effects, such as the arm moves or the legs move. The thoughts that actually produce the effects however, are often stored (and forgotten about) in the deeper aspect of mind, the subjective aspect, working their magic. I’ve never heard that term before ‘metaphysically realist’ or that the world is run independent of the mind. The mind is the beginning of all great projects, such as the Roman Empire or the Empire State Building. I love reading about the lives and works of some of our greatest architects and how they brought their inspirations to life. 

  • There’s so such thing as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and my understanding, or ‘knowg’ is shared by many a great scientist such as Einstein. This is simply truth. If somebody is unaware of the truth, they are not ‘wrong’, they are simply unaware of the truth and they instead choose to give their attention to their idea of what the truth is, which of course, is true for them. In a world that is run on the laws of cause and effect, it has to be that way, it can’t be any other way. 

    How do I know categorically that I speak from a position of truth ~ because truth is irrefutable, it cannot be proven otherwise, it has no opposite, it is not ‘right’ and something else ‘wrong’, it just is. 

    Why would you consider arguing against any position? To ‘argue’ is to suggest that you think you’re right and that you think the other person is wrong. This is a false premise on which to start any discussion, conversation or exploration. There is no right or wrong, there is simply truth, and that which isn’t true, by its very definition, doesn’t exist, only to the extent that you give it meaning. Anybody can find the absolute truth in any situation, if they choose to. 

  • I guess so - in the sense of the rejection of abstract concepts... if one regards things like poverty and death as abstract concepts.  In another sense, though, it can mean the rejection of universals. 

  • At school the only science I found interesting was Biology but I think that says more about the school system then the subjects themselves, because since leaving school I find all areas of science fascinating! I can't handle the complicated equations but, aside from those, the science itself is quite beautiful.

    As far as this thread, I think the named discussion, re. the effects of digital technology on society, is equally as fascinating and have enjoyed those parts of this thread. Thank you for posting it, it's been interesting to think about and discuss rationally. 

    Metaphysical nominalism is perhaps where the tangents were headed.     

  • I was always a dunce at school - but most especially a science dunce.  I've tried very hard to comprehend the very basics of quantum physics - but my head won't handle it!  I think some of the views put forward in this thread can be broadly termed 'metaphysically realist': that the world is, in some sense, 'mind-independent'.  That goes far beyond what I'm able to comprehend, so maybe I have no place in the discussion, really.

  • I much prefer "The good thing about Science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not!".  

  • I at no point tried to tell anybody what they think or feel.

    Well, at risk of distracting further from the real issue, I have to take issue a little with you on that.  Earlier, you said this...

    Poverty and ill health don’t exist. There’s nothing to agree or disagree about, they just don’t exist, only in appearance. Ill health and poverty are simply the effect of, let’s say, faulty thinking.

    If you'll forgive me for saying so, BlueRay, that's a very dogmatic and absolutist assertion to make.  Basically...'They don't exist, so there's no point in arguing about it. If you believe they do, then your thinking is faulty.' 

    In other words... you are right (ipse dixit) and anyone who disagrees is wrong.  You said that you aren't disagreeing with anybody, but simply speaking from a position of the truth.  That, too, is an incredibly bold thing to say.  How do you know, categorically, that you speak from a position of the truth?

    This comes across to me in the same way as if someone who believes in God, and who knows that I don't, says to me 'Well, even if you choose not to believe in him, he still exists anyway - and He loves you.'

    How can you argue against that position?

  • That’s funny, or maybe interesting, that you assumed I was presuming to tell you how you think, feel or experience the world. I guess it’s interesting because that’s exactly what my sister said when I was talking to her over lunch the other day. Her response surprised me then, as yours does now, as I at no point tried to tell anybody what they think or feel. Both of you told me that you know your own minds and what it is to be you. I never doubted that. That’s why I was surprised when you both said that. I speak through universal laws and truths, not to or about anyone personally or perspectives. I haven’t got a perspective, I’m not actually too sure what that means, so manybe I do have one. 

    For the record, nobody is ‘spiritual’ or not only spiritual anyway. We all have a spirit but people who call themselves ‘spiritual’, are often people following some new age fad or ‘buddhism’ or some such, but they might as well be watching the tv for all the good it’s doing them. And nobody said your ‘perspective’ as you call it, isn’t valid, I’m baffled at why you tell me that. Surely everybody’s ‘perspective’ is valid and equal? I would never think otherwise, that thought doesn’t enter my head. However, for something to be ‘true’, it must be true for everyone and it is must be unchanging, otherwise it’s not a truth, just the way somebody views something, so in effect, you could say it’s ‘true’ to them, but it’s not a universal truth. 

  • I am autistic.

    I am not spiritual.

    I am not "more connected to everything and everyone else on the planet", in fact my perception is that I feel less connected to them. I am me and I know what that means to me. Please do not presume to tell me how I think, feel, or experience the world.

    I am not trying to tell you how to think, feel or experience the world either, merely stating my experiences and thoughts on what i see around me every day.

    Both 'Perspectives' are equally valid and equally 'true'.   

  • I am autistic.

    I am not spiritual.

    I am not "more connected to everything and everyone else on the planet", in fact my perception is that I feel less connected to them. I am me and I know what that means to me. Please do not presume to tell me how I think, feel, or experience the world.

    I am not trying to tell you how to think, feel or experience the world either, merely stating my experiences and thoughts on what i see around me every day.

    Both 'Perspectives' are equally valid and equally 'true'.   

  • You’re not alone in not understanding quantum physics Tom, nobody does, that’s the point. If it could be understood, it would be simply physics and not quantum physics but it’s been around for years. Einstein spoke of it and right back to Jesus and others before him, people have been speaking about it and exploring it. It’s fascinating, if you don’t try to understand it! Lol! 

    Metaphysics isn’t hard to grasp. It basically states that the world is run by the law of cause and effect. There can be no effect without a cause and man can do nothing, until he has had a thought and the thoughts then produce effects, such as the arm moves or the legs move. The thoughts that actually produce the effects however, are often stored (and forgotten about) in the deeper aspect of mind, the subjective aspect, working their magic. I’ve never heard that term before ‘metaphysically realist’ or that the world is run independent of the mind. The mind is the beginning of all great projects, such as the Roman Empire or the Empire State Building. I love reading about the lives and works of some of our greatest architects and how they brought their inspirations to life. 

  • There’s so such thing as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and my understanding, or ‘knowg’ is shared by many a great scientist such as Einstein. This is simply truth. If somebody is unaware of the truth, they are not ‘wrong’, they are simply unaware of the truth and they instead choose to give their attention to their idea of what the truth is, which of course, is true for them. In a world that is run on the laws of cause and effect, it has to be that way, it can’t be any other way. 

    How do I know categorically that I speak from a position of truth ~ because truth is irrefutable, it cannot be proven otherwise, it has no opposite, it is not ‘right’ and something else ‘wrong’, it just is. 

    Why would you consider arguing against any position? To ‘argue’ is to suggest that you think you’re right and that you think the other person is wrong. This is a false premise on which to start any discussion, conversation or exploration. There is no right or wrong, there is simply truth, and that which isn’t true, by its very definition, doesn’t exist, only to the extent that you give it meaning. Anybody can find the absolute truth in any situation, if they choose to. 

  • I guess so - in the sense of the rejection of abstract concepts... if one regards things like poverty and death as abstract concepts.  In another sense, though, it can mean the rejection of universals. 

  • At school the only science I found interesting was Biology but I think that says more about the school system then the subjects themselves, because since leaving school I find all areas of science fascinating! I can't handle the complicated equations but, aside from those, the science itself is quite beautiful.

    As far as this thread, I think the named discussion, re. the effects of digital technology on society, is equally as fascinating and have enjoyed those parts of this thread. Thank you for posting it, it's been interesting to think about and discuss rationally. 

    Metaphysical nominalism is perhaps where the tangents were headed.     

  • I was always a dunce at school - but most especially a science dunce.  I've tried very hard to comprehend the very basics of quantum physics - but my head won't handle it!  I think some of the views put forward in this thread can be broadly termed 'metaphysically realist': that the world is, in some sense, 'mind-independent'.  That goes far beyond what I'm able to comprehend, so maybe I have no place in the discussion, really.

  • I much prefer "The good thing about Science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not!".  

  • I at no point tried to tell anybody what they think or feel.

    Well, at risk of distracting further from the real issue, I have to take issue a little with you on that.  Earlier, you said this...

    Poverty and ill health don’t exist. There’s nothing to agree or disagree about, they just don’t exist, only in appearance. Ill health and poverty are simply the effect of, let’s say, faulty thinking.

    If you'll forgive me for saying so, BlueRay, that's a very dogmatic and absolutist assertion to make.  Basically...'They don't exist, so there's no point in arguing about it. If you believe they do, then your thinking is faulty.' 

    In other words... you are right (ipse dixit) and anyone who disagrees is wrong.  You said that you aren't disagreeing with anybody, but simply speaking from a position of the truth.  That, too, is an incredibly bold thing to say.  How do you know, categorically, that you speak from a position of the truth?

    This comes across to me in the same way as if someone who believes in God, and who knows that I don't, says to me 'Well, even if you choose not to believe in him, he still exists anyway - and He loves you.'

    How can you argue against that position?

  • That’s funny, or maybe interesting, that you assumed I was presuming to tell you how you think, feel or experience the world. I guess it’s interesting because that’s exactly what my sister said when I was talking to her over lunch the other day. Her response surprised me then, as yours does now, as I at no point tried to tell anybody what they think or feel. Both of you told me that you know your own minds and what it is to be you. I never doubted that. That’s why I was surprised when you both said that. I speak through universal laws and truths, not to or about anyone personally or perspectives. I haven’t got a perspective, I’m not actually too sure what that means, so manybe I do have one. 

    For the record, nobody is ‘spiritual’ or not only spiritual anyway. We all have a spirit but people who call themselves ‘spiritual’, are often people following some new age fad or ‘buddhism’ or some such, but they might as well be watching the tv for all the good it’s doing them. And nobody said your ‘perspective’ as you call it, isn’t valid, I’m baffled at why you tell me that. Surely everybody’s ‘perspective’ is valid and equal? I would never think otherwise, that thought doesn’t enter my head. However, for something to be ‘true’, it must be true for everyone and it is must be unchanging, otherwise it’s not a truth, just the way somebody views something, so in effect, you could say it’s ‘true’ to them, but it’s not a universal truth.