Special Interests

I don't mind calling an obsession an obsession if it occupies every waking hour of my day, though it seems to be increasingly un-PC and now we talk about 'special interests.' All that aside, what's everyone interested in?

For me as a child it was dinosaurs, then Ancient Egypt and then Pokemon, in that order.

  • As a child I was obsessed with Dinosaurs and sharks both of which I am still fascinated by

    In more recent years I started researching my family tree and the history or Britain and also became very interested in Cryptozoology (Bigfoot, Nessie etc) not that I believe in them 

  • Mine was wildlife 

  • They tell me I had an obsession with dinosaurs. but for the life of me I can remember it only being little more than a passing fad, and these days I couldn't really care less about the subject. I've only ever watched a few boring minutes of Jurassic Park, for instance. And the map and railway obsessions are somewhat diluted by not living in a country where such obsessions can be easily indulged. Part of the fun of being a map fanatic is actually visiting the places you find on maps and hiking through them.

    Hopefully, my current obsession with self-identification will also eventually morph into something more like bucking the trend of my own identification. I already don't feel too constrained to always acting the part.

  • They tell me I had an obsession with dinosaurs. but for the life of me I can remember it only being little more than a passing fad, and these days I couldn't really care less about the subject. I've only ever watched a few boring minutes of Jurassic Park, for instance. And the map and railway obsessions are somewhat diluted by not living in a country where such obsessions can be easily indulged. Part of the fun of being a map fanatic is actually visiting the places you find on maps and hiking through them.

    Hopefully, my current obsession with self-identification will also eventually morph into something more like bucking the trend of my own identification. I already don't feel too constrained to always acting the part.

  • Senor said:
    I already don't feel too constrained to always acting the part.

    Glad to hear it....we can’t spend all our lives huddled under a rock, feeling inadequate as we don’t fit in