Special Interests

I don't mind calling an obsession an obsession if it occupies every waking hour of my day, though it seems to be increasingly un-PC and now we talk about 'special interests.' All that aside, what's everyone interested in?

For me as a child it was dinosaurs, then Ancient Egypt and then Pokemon, in that order.

  • Photography at the moment, but I have a long list of others that I've gone through and moved on from. I find that the "special interests" do sustain me, I get so absorbed and feel so alive. Sometimes my interests have been bookish (I was once fixated on philosophy and theology) others more skills based, like photography and conjuring. 

  • Photography at the moment, but I have a long list of others that I've gone through and moved on from. I find that the "special interests" do sustain me, I get so absorbed and feel so alive. Sometimes my interests have been bookish (I was once fixated on philosophy and theology) others more skills based, like photography and conjuring. 

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