Can Vaccinations Cause Autism in Dogs?

  • "The fear that vaccines might cause autism started in 1998 in a study conducted by a British physician, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. In it he claimed that he had evidence which showed a link between autism and the widely used measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. His study was later determined to be fraudulent and was retracted by the journal that published it. Furthermore, as a consequence of this, Wakefield was stripped of his right to practice medicine in the United Kingdom. Since that time, 17 studies in 7 different countries, resulted in the gathering data from hundreds of thousands of children. All of these studies have shown that those receiving such vaccines were not more likely to develop autism than those who haven't received them."   Quote from Stanley Coren PHD found in the 'Psychology Today' article, which is named in the original post (link above.)

  • Excuse me for interrupting all of this "empathic, existential, homocentric, philosophical, psychochemical, zoopathic, Zoological" discussion... but is this supposed to be discussing AUTISM IN ANIMALS or THE MMR/any VACCINE? Which one? Which one, I ask!

  • The original post was about autism, dogs, and vaccines.

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