Ramblings of the mis-wired....

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a button, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!? 

  • Evening all.  Been into work (still not got access to the systems for my new role!).  Now very tired and about to head off to bed.  How are you all doing?

  • Early night for me too.  feeling overwhelmed by house disarray due to the decorating and realising I need to do some when my decorator has gone! But went out with my dad to enjoy the sunshine. 

  • Hi missy  I have been lurking about but things were very serious tonite on here,which is why this forum is here after all,just seemed a little disrespectful for me to be having a good time when others are struggling.

    We have had the best of times and certainly will again,I felt it helped to just be carefree even for that short while? It certainly cheered me up seeing others have fun.

    I didn't get much in the way of being childish when I was a child so I deserve my time with those that should hopefully understand my mind.

    Missy I take it the main decorating is complete? You do realise it is like painting the forth bridge Lol.dissarray sounds kind of cool,my wife wouldn't agree.What a beautiful day once the chill and mist went. Glad you had a nice day with your dad.

    take care missy.

    big hug x.

  • Thanks Lonewarrior. Will answer you more tomorrow. Too many of us have known deep despair. There is a time for seriousness, tears and sadness but we need to balance that with other sorts of companionship including silliness and laughter. And  I  don't think I could cope on here without a place for both. But yes a time to be respectful too. I have to sleep.. take care ()()x

  • Thanks Lonewarrior. Will answer you more tomorrow. Too many of us have known deep despair. There is a time for seriousness, tears and sadness but we need to balance that with other sorts of companionship including silliness and laughter. And  I  don't think I could cope on here without a place for both. But yes a time to be respectful too. I have to sleep.. take care ()()x

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