Ramblings of the mis-wired....

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a button, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!? 

  • It's been an odd first week at my new job.  Ups and downs.  The people (as in 'clients', but I hate referring to them that way) run the whole gamut, from very quiet and easy to extremely challenging.  One lad in particular, though, is amazing.  The first question he asks everyone new is their date of birth and the year.  He then tells you, with barely a pause, what day of the week it fell on.  He's always right, too.  Astonishing!

  • Glad there have been positives to the week too. So are you sticking at it next week? 

  • Happier than I was mid-week.  I wasn't at all sure after the first couple of days.  I found one of the other staff members in particular to be very hard to get on with, but we worked together on Friday and found some common ground.  Partly, of course, it's about getting used to new things and people, and getting to know the people I'm dealing with.  They're much more challenging than ones I've been used to in recent years.  At my last job, they were either very capable or confined to wheelchairs, with very little in between.  Here, they're all mobile.  Some of the more challenging ones are totally focused on one activity, which they do over and over all day long - like listening to the same song all day.  Others are a little more active.  We've had several trips out - to trampolining, putting, bowling.  Next week, I'm off shadow shifts and working alone on 1-1s.  That'll probably be better, actually.  And once I've been added to the company's insurance, I can drive the buses, so I'm likely to be out much more.

    On the whole, then, I feel buoyant about it all.  Another couple of weeks and I'll be more certain.  At least I don't have the horrible thing of shift changes and extra hours hanging over me.  I know when the day starts and when it finishes.  That's a big bonus.

  • Mind the ornaments and your delicate self x 

  • Yes to that too. I drove up but think they'd been the night before and the moon was too bright. I'll maybe get to see them one day! Right I better get on and move some curtains and ornaments etc!! 

  • Each day seems to be a process of untying knots and creating new ones. Did you get to see the northern lights the other day btw

  • So do you? I hadn't realised that I did. But I suppose I am.. that's my thing.. my body does things to tell me things but I don't always recognise what it's saying and then don't know what to do about it if I find out .. lol. Quite often tired on Sundays because I have the day with dad and try to have the best day we can but drains me which I get frustrated by It. 

  • You sound tired and frustrated,.... x 

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