The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks Ellie. The kindness I receive here is worth gold. You folk being here helps. I just feel so useless attempts I make to get out of my shell just too hard so I hide again. I turned to social services but they haven't contacted me at all. I'm trying to set up support to help me with social services but that's not going as I'd hoped, I talked to someone and they just got frustrated with me. It feels like my meagre attempts to reach out get thwarted. I like the sound of Spotty and your Christmas. How was your day? X

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