The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

Parents Reply
  • Missy please stop apologising, you may have regrets about what you said,but having read it I think you are deserving of more than you actually wrote.

    like I said,when I get anxiety or stress I come on here and rant,whatever the subject I just get it out of my head,if I don't then it churns around inside and gets even more mixed up with everything else. We all need to vent every now and if you need it do it,As nite watchman I give you full permission.

    you are a sweet thing, don't go into that abyss, I went potholing once,school trip,never been so freaked out,dark,narrow tunnels to squeeze through,the belly shuffle was the only way to move,arms stretched out ahead,nothing to grip,feet can't push against anything,wiggle like a worm. I did calm down eventually and actually enjoyed it. 

    My hugs are running a bit low but still have a few left for special people!

    missy= hug.

    spotty= hug


    Tom big man hug.
