The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

  • Good morning everyone. Happy Sunday. Today I am getting out of the house and going out with my Dad. We will have lunch out and go look at an open heritage site with cake and plant stalls etc maybe a potter about the countrylanes. Hope you have an enjoyable Sunday too. 

  • Hope you have a lovely day and the weather's good for your adventure x

  • Thanks .. I hope so too. Hope you do something you enjoy as well x

  • I like the marathon analogy Ellie. The nested threading is beginning to get on my nerves completely. You read something you want to come back to and then can't find it for love or money and this bit of this conversation is a complete muddle!  Going back up there now.

  • I think he may have broken his ampersand...or you can change your settings and not get mentioned..(maybe a case of inbox overload)....?

    good to here from you Missy xx

  • Hahaha very funny Ellie but like I said nice to have you here

  • By the way did you manage to @ Lonewarrior? Because it won't work when I try! 

  • Don't need a one can see me in the middle of the room! :p 

  • Hang onto that laptop/tablet/smartphone..everyone should have a corner to retreat to

  • Lol. Just been looking for you can't find where you were chatting with Spotty! Will you both stop being so active and stay in one place where I can find you! Lol so nice to have you both hereBlushxx

  • Hi Missy

    theoretically I could run a marathon.....! Sometimes we can all do with a hand...but I guess we've all got use to doing everything by ourselves and muddle on by... :( 

  • Because I should be able to do it myself!!! Confused

  • Thank you Spotty. I'm sure I saw Ellie a minute ago too will have a look round. ()()

  • They are not selfish thoughts Misfit, you've been handed a whole dictionary of diagnoses to contend with and you need help, you deserve a lot more than you are getting.  It shouldn't be so hard and you certainly shouldn't feel guilty. ()()()

  • Misfit61 said:
    don't deserve it

    Where does that come from, Missy?  Disappointed

  • Hi Spotty.  How are you and how is your shell.

    Been a fast and furious couple of weeks back at already singed around the edges (not a full burn out yet)....

    I couldn't be pig headed if I tried....i am far too passive for that! I think i would rather hide in the kitchen when people come over to is surprising how long it takes to peel a carrot!!

    OH just gone to have a lie down...keeps him out of the way and I can get some Spotty time!  He is unsure about me being online..I guess he just doesn't like not being the centre of attention and is probably worried about what we all talk about?

    How is the bass playing....gardening in the rain..... etc etc.  Are you still in a slump....

    To quote Dr Suess - "unslumping yourself is never much fun!"

    Hope @Misfit61, @Lonewarrior,  , and  et al are all ok and hanging there..

  • Goodnight all ( sounds like Dixon of Dock Green). Thank you again. 

  • Thank you for your hug. Big hugs in return. 

    Well of course the thoughts are swimming round. Why can't I get it right? Maybe I've got it all wrong.. Ivdont know how the system works.. I should be grateful for what I'm offered.. I shouldn't need help and I don't deserve it, do I really have to be assessed again to get help, if I get help will they understand or like me? Why or why can't someone help me? See all selfish thoughts. ... 

  • Spotty I have often thought that but not for me to say but I have worried too that you do too much Ellie. maybe he does his share but it wasn't sounding like that. So Ellie we are concerned about you. However I know sometimes it's calmer waters to do things yourself as you like them and keep some control as you said once but even so it does seem rather a lot.. 

  • And hugs and sweet dreams back at you Lone. 

  • Missy please stop apologising, you may have regrets about what you said,but having read it I think you are deserving of more than you actually wrote.

    like I said,when I get anxiety or stress I come on here and rant,whatever the subject I just get it out of my head,if I don't then it churns around inside and gets even more mixed up with everything else. We all need to vent every now and if you need it do it,As nite watchman I give you full permission.

    you are a sweet thing, don't go into that abyss, I went potholing once,school trip,never been so freaked out,dark,narrow tunnels to squeeze through,the belly shuffle was the only way to move,arms stretched out ahead,nothing to grip,feet can't push against anything,wiggle like a worm. I did calm down eventually and actually enjoyed it. 

    My hugs are running a bit low but still have a few left for special people!

    missy= hug.

    spotty= hug


    Tom big man hug.

  • Oh Ellie, I do worry about you and his complete refusal to understand, he'll burn you out like that. I think you may have to be more pig headed and tell him he has to cook and entertain some of the unwanted arrangements...

  • Please feel free to rant Misfit, you haven't said anything awful and I feel furious for you at the way you've been treated and lack of assistance.  I wish I could help somehow.  We have our hands out to keep you from the abyss. x

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