the Online Community is NOT Secure

Firefox highlights the fact that the online community is insecure and information submitted (such as passwords) can be viewed.

I have contacted the web team asking for the site to be made secure.

  • There are various good points made by the contributors to this thread. The warning in Firefox is that some elements of the sign-in page (images etc.) are not delivered under HTTPS; as has already confirmed, the submission of usernames and passwords does use HTTPS. As says, the messages posted can be viewed without signing in anyway. Nonetheless, Former Member is correct that the trend is towards HTTPS throughout sites; this is mostly for technical security reasons, such as confirming the server identity, mentioned by Gordon, and securing the exchange of hidden data relating to your user session.

    This is something that will increasingly be expected over time, and that we, in common with other site operators, will work towards.


  • There are various good points made by the contributors to this thread. The warning in Firefox is that some elements of the sign-in page (images etc.) are not delivered under HTTPS; as has already confirmed, the submission of usernames and passwords does use HTTPS. As says, the messages posted can be viewed without signing in anyway. Nonetheless, Former Member is correct that the trend is towards HTTPS throughout sites; this is mostly for technical security reasons, such as confirming the server identity, mentioned by Gordon, and securing the exchange of hidden data relating to your user session.

    This is something that will increasingly be expected over time, and that we, in common with other site operators, will work towards.


  • I agree that Firefox refers to "some elements of the sign-in page" not being delivered using HTTPS but my concern was the other parts of the site which use just HTTP (mentioning passwords in my original post was misleading - sorry about that.

    Hopefully, HTTPS will soon be implemented throughout the sites.