Finding things hard right now

Hi everyone I know I've been making a lot posts on hear recently but I'm going through  extramly tuff time right now. Today i have been put back on medication for my depression I'm arguing with my mum a lot and my boyfriend wants a brake from me. I agree to this but I'm finding it extramly hard to do. I have also named my depression Hyde aftet the Jekyll and Hyde story but I really don't know how long i can fight hyde for really struggling now. So how can I keep Hyde away and bring back Jekyll really struggling and I don't want to be on medication anymore. 

  • Hi I am trying really hard to stay strong but the thing is I know I have to. The person who has helped me was my boyfriend but right now he can't cope and needs a brake. I really miss him it's been 5 days since we spoke and I'm really worried about losing him even tho I've been told I haven't lost him just wish I could talk to him cuddle him for him to make me better. The only thing thats keeping me strong is knowning that i will be speaking to him soon.

  • Hi Rach 

    Sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time. I suffered with depression when I was 17 and had to take medication to get over it.

    It's difficult to know how to get yourself out of the depressive spiral, but talking to people can be a start. If you are having problems with talking to your mum at the moment and you don't have anyone else you can trust, keep posting on here and sharing things with people here who understand what you're going through. 

    Have you been offered counselling? That might also help?

    I find that the following things help me when I'm starting to get distressed:

    - prevent your brain getting overwhelmed with information: reduce noise around you, by wearing earplugs if necessary,  go for a walk on your own somewhere quiet if you're up to it.

    - Try to concentrate on something you like doing and reduce distractions, for example by muting your message notification tone on your phone. 

    -Try to think about things you could do in the future, to have something to look forward to 

    Take care