Aspergers, Anxiety/Depression

Hello everyone im last year at seconday school.

I would really like to talk to someone simular age to me who feels ike the way I do. As I dont have any friends to talk about the way I do and I thought this would be a good place for me to meet new people that could help one another if struggling with things the same.

  • Hi again,

    Sorry to hear about the anxiety attacks. Have you ever had any counselling or support about how to deal with being on the spectrum? It is OK to have Aspergers but it is not always easy to figure out how to develop the right attitude to being OK with it.

    What happened to the people that were/are bullying you? Have they been spoken to and dealt with in some way?

    PS You might like this concept that I posted a while ago ?

  • Hello both,

    The school, parents and doctors all know.

    I have spone to childline before and they have told me to tell doctors which I did and so now I am on a part timetable. Instead of me dealing with a full day its too much for me. and I am now having panic attacks too and they really scare me it started two days ago.

  • Hi 123,

    Just wanted add, if you are under 19, childline is a good service to contact about bullying.

    I know talking to your parents or teachers could seem impossible for you (it was for me). If that is the case, I would encourage you to contact childline and discuss your problems and feelings with them

    I feel I was picked on because my social development was noticably behind others. 


  • Bullying is very common for people with Aspergers, it comes up extremely frequently on the forum and I was bullied at school too. Part of this is due to school age people being immature and impressionable. Anyone who behaves differently and is not so adept at defending themselves is liable to end up on the wrong side of the sheeplike behaviour that leads to groups turning on those that they don't understand.

    Step 1. Report the bullies and talk to your teachers, your parents and the police if necessary. Share your problem with other people and don't keep it to yourself.

    Step 2. Pity and despise the people who are daft enough to have nothing better to do than pick on someone who is different to them. Don't encourage them with any more attention than they deserve.

  • Yeah I'm a negative person and its just hardee because I feel like I've gotten worse since Im getting bullied. And Yes that's great. 

    Thank You!

  • Asperger's makes people critical, we often pick up on the things that are wrong and we think that things are black when actually things are not that bad. We turn that criticism on everything, including ourselves when actually we don't deserve to be criticised.

    So, try and be kind to yourself, try to be less critical of yourself and others and appreciate that an awful lot of things aren't brilliant but that doesn't mean that things are terrible.

    The recovery letters site was conceived by someone who went through depression and came out the other side. He wanted to tell people that it is possible to get through it and that life can be better.

    I have to turn in for the night now but hope that some of this makes sense to you?

  • Hello,

    Thank you. I haven't seen them before but just looked at a few now and its good to know other people do feel the same way I do too. 

    Is there anything else that couod helpe me too Do you know?

    thanks again

  • Hello, yes I was 16 a few months back. 

  • Hi 123,

    Welcome to the forum. Anxiety and depression is very common in peeople with Aspergers ( I've got Aspergers and have had depression and anxiety) but it can be tackled and overcome. Have you seen the recovery letters website ?

  • Hi 123

    Just to let you know you must be 16 or over to use this forum.

    OK if you are. 

    Best Wishes

    Bob - moderator